Betta discoloration - concerned about white cheeks?

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Jan 30, 2020
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United States

I’m new to this forum and have a question about my bettas health. I recently moved him into a cycled 10 gallon tank (nitrates/nitrites/pH is good, GH is high but I’m working on lowering it by adding RO water with my dechlorinated tap water, temp is 77F with a strong filter) with four neon tetras, a snail, and two amano shrimp. He’s been noticeably lethargic and hiding more and I noticed this white discoloration on his cheeks (see attached). I’m concerned it might be anything from ich, to fungus, to TB. I’m considering using bettafix but I don’t want to stress him out anymore by putting him into a quarantine tank. Any advice? Thank you.


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It is fungus, do daily 30-70% water change for 10 days make sure to clean gravel and filter. Don’t use bettafix as it will cause problem to labyrinth organ.
Is it fuzzy? If so, Berry Tetra gave some good advice. Daily 75% water changes and aquarium salt. Move him to a QT tank (can be a large plastic food safe tote). Add 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt for each 5 gallons of water. Turn heat up to 82F. Be sure to dissolve aquarium salt before adding to tank or it will burn the fish. After initial aquarium salt dose, add 3/4 tablespoon each day after 75% water change. If it does not improve in several days then I would get a medication that treats bacterial infections. He looks very unhappy. I would move him to his own 5G or larger tank. Bettas do better alone. Keep us posted.
Is it fuzzy? If so, Berry Tetra gave some good advice. Daily 75% water changes and aquarium salt. Move him to a QT tank (can be a large plastic food safe tote). Add 1 tablespoon of aquarium salt for each 5 gallons of water. Turn heat up to 82F. Be sure to dissolve aquarium salt before adding to tank or it will burn the fish. After initial aquarium salt dose, add 3/4 tablespoon each day after 75% water change. If it does not improve in several days then I would get a medication that treats bacterial infections. He looks very unhappy. I would move him to his own 5G or larger tank. Bettas do better alone. Keep us posted.
Thank you both, I will move him tonight into a QT tank and do the salt treatments. I’ll be back with results. I appreciate the help so much!
update! @Deanasue and @Barry Tetra - thank you so much for your suggestions! Cranberry is doing much better!

I removed the tetras and shrimp from the 10g tank so he could have it all to himself. I’ve also been changing the water and doing the salt treatments for four days now. He is great! Swimming around the tank and being as active and peppy as ever - his body even started to gain more color than I’ve ever seen, he’s so bright and shiny now! I’ve also seen a dramatic decrease is discoloration around his gills. It’s not completely gone yet, but it’s barely noticeable anymore. Now that he’s himself again, he was afraid of my phone camera so I couldn’t get a close up of his face like last time, but here you go!

I’m thinking I’ll keep up the salt treatments for another day or two before starting to dilute out the high concentration. Thank you both so much again, Cranberry and I appreciate the kindness and advice!


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We love to hear good outcomes! Thanks for sharing. Here’s to many more years with Cranberry!

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