Betta injury


New Member
Dec 7, 2019
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Hi, I'm new to this forum.

I've had my betta for about a few weeks and a few days ago he seemed to have lost some scales, it didn't get any worse so I assumed he was healing fine but today I noticed a red spot above his lip.

Should I be worried? And is there anything except water changes I can do to help him?
Hi! What size tank is he in and did you cycle it before adding him? Do you know your water parameters( ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)?
Hi! What size tank is he in and did you cycle it before adding him? Do you know your water parameters( ammonia, nitrite, nitrate)?

5 gallons, cycled before he was added

Test strips have always showed parameters as normal but I know they're not the most accurate
That is a true fact that test strips aren’t that accurate. I suggest you look into getting the API master test kit. It has over 800 individual tests, which is a lot.

If your Betta isn’t getting any worse, then I would say he’s ok. Have you noticed him swimming into anything lately? Or being really close to the filter? My betta sometimes looses scales when he runs into rocks and such, but they grow back in a few days. ;)
How often do you clean your tank and do water changes? You need to do at least a 50% water change and gravel clean once a week. I do 75% water changes twice a week. For now, I would do daily 50% water changes for 2 weeks and add aquarium salt at 1/2 tablespoon at each change. Be sure to dissolve the salt in a little tank water first before adding to tank so it doesn’t burn your betta. The aquarium salt acts as an astringent to keep the redness clean and also reduces stress. Keep us posted. Keep your temp around 80F. too.
That is a true fact that test strips aren’t that accurate. I suggest you look into getting the API master test kit. It has over 800 individual tests, which is a lot.

If your Betta isn’t getting any worse, then I would say he’s ok. Have you noticed him swimming into anything lately? Or being really close to the filter? My betta sometimes looses scales when he runs into rocks and such, but they grow back in a few days. ;)
I haven't noticed him hitting anything, but it's not like I can watch him all the time so it's possible
How often do you clean your tank and do water changes? You need to do at least a 50% water change and gravel clean once a week. I do 75% water changes twice a week. For now, I would do daily 50% water changes for 2 weeks and add aquarium salt at 1/2 tablespoon at each change. Be sure to dissolve the salt in a little tank water first before adding to tank so it doesn’t burn your betta. The aquarium salt acts as an astringent to keep the redness clean and also reduces stress. Keep us posted. Keep your temp around 80F. too.
I usually do a 25% water change every week since his tank has quite a few plants, I didn't realise he needed 50% so I'll do that from now on. Since he got injured I've done 3 changes a week, but I'll do them daily from now on.

The tank he's in has some shrimp and 2 nerite snails, plus the plants, will the salt be safe for them too or would I need to move them first?
The salt should be safe for them. But if you dose any medication with copper in it, you will definitely need to remove them. ;)
I usually do a 25% water change every week since his tank has quite a few plants, I didn't realise he needed 50% so I'll do that from now on. Since he got injured I've done 3 changes a week, but I'll do them daily from now on.

The tank he's in has some shrimp and 2 nerite snails, plus the plants, will the salt be safe for them too or would I need to move them first?
If you have snails or plants then dose at 1/2 the dosage I gave you. Actually, salt never hurts my snails or plants.

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