Fish compatibility and gender questions


New Member
Dec 26, 2016
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Hi everyone, I am new to this thread and quite new to fish keeping! I have a few questions for the fish gurus which I would really appreciate some help with please :)

I have had a biorb life 60 tank for a few months now. The water stats are as follows: ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 0, ph about 7. I also have another very small 10 litre tank which is usually empty, but if I need to remove a fish for whatever reason, I use this as a separation tank. I will attach pictures for you to see.

I have been given bad advice from pet shops in the past and ended up having to give fish away or take them back to the store. In the 60litre tank there is currently a male betta (he does his own thing), a male swordtail, an electric blue ram (unusure on gender) and two mollies (one is definitely a boy, the other one I am not too sure of). I also had a male platy in there too, but he started to chase the swordtail so I have just removed him. I have also witnessed him nip the betta's fins before so he's on a second warning. I may give him a third chance, but if he blows it again, he will have to be rehomed.

Please can you tell me what gender my yellow molly is? The pet store keeps assuring me this molly is male, however it seems fat to me and the back lower fin looks like a female's fin in the pictures I've seen..

Do you think I should give the platy another chance?

What other fish can I add which are not likely to cause compatibility issues? I understand all fish have different personalities, but a guide for when I next go to the store would be a great help as I can't trust the pet stores! At one point I had two male dwarf gourami in the 60 litre tank because of the pet shop... safe to say that didn't last long, so I keep learning the hard way! Ideally I would prefer fish that can be in different colours, as it makes it easier for me to tell which is which from the other end of the living room.

Thank you in advanced :D


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.If my sources are correct this is a 2.5 gallon, the10 litre empty and its not cycled from what I can tell which is bad thats only small enough for maybe some shrimp or a snail.Maybe a betta but thats not my area.Your yellow molly looks like a female.Platy will just keep nipping,
Bettas are best kept in their own tanks unless the other fish are very peaceful (such as khuli loaches and shrimp). All those male live bearers are very active and may very well stress him out and continue to nip his fins. I recommend giving the lovely betta his own kingdom, perhaps a 5 or 10 gallon one. I say the yellow molly is a young male. You can see his anal fin starting to get pointed and it will eventually elongate as he matures. I'm thinking he is just a late bloomer so give him time.

60liters is about 15 gallons, I believe. I'm not very good with live bearers, but I think that's a tad too small for mollies and swords. Might want to wait for someone else to shed a little more light on that. As for the ram, not too sure on that either :p I think those are fine in that size tank, but look out for bullying.
Wow what a mess of fish you have.

First up live bearers and Bettas and rams do NOT mix.

Live bearers need hard water, IMO a ph of 7 is too low for live bearers, I also think the yellow one is male.

Bettas and rams do not mix, the ram will also nip the Bettas fins.

The poor Bettas fins are a mess, He needs to be moved to his own tank or you need to rehouse the ram and live bearers, This is not an option.

I would return the live bearers and the ram, then I would buy as many low light live plants as I can afford, and put them in the tank, Including a few floating ones this will give the Betta the home he deserves.

Bettas are best kept on their own.

Suitable tank mates for a Betta are Shrimp ( they also give him something to hunt and eat) Snails, your substrate is not suitable for Kuhli Loaches as it looks sharp.

Please note this is just my opinion as a Betta keeper.

If you were to set up a 5 gallon cube for the Betta, something like this is great.

This is my 5 gallon Betta cube.

My other Betta tank

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