Hello. I am new to fish keeping and would just like some reassurances and/or constructive criticism.
Whats been going on
I've attached a couple of pictures of my tank now I have set it up for fish - it used to house my axolotls so doesn't need cycling. It's a 90 litre (20 uk gallon) to which I have added some new stones at the back, some live plants and the large rock to the left (actually plastic). Water parameters are fine but the water in my area is quite hard. Filter is eheim aquaball 60 but I am going to upgrade to an aquaball 130 soon as I need more filtration to keep more fish.
The plants at the sides are fake and the plants in the middle are vallis. Water temparature is 25C (78F).
I first added 14 cardinal tetras, a couple of which were actually neons. They died one by one and developed white spot which I have now treated but only 4 remain, 2 cardinals and 2 neons. They have survived another week with no problems and are eating and I have just added 2 zebra nerite snails to help with maintenance.
I have noticed that the biggest neon is chasing the others quite aggressively, is it possible he bullied the weaker members to death? Or is he just letting the others know that he's the boss now there's so few?
Bump the cardinals back up to 10 or so
5 kuhli loaches
3 guppies
1 dwarf flame gourami
1 german blue ram
1 cockatoo apistogramma (or a 2nd GBR)
Maybe add another plant - Maybe anubias
Any ideas on why my tetras struggled early on?
Would my tank be overstocked?
Do you think I need more hiding places/plants?
Any tank mate issues?
I have no lid and a small light, is this a problem?
Thanks for any help.
Whats been going on
I've attached a couple of pictures of my tank now I have set it up for fish - it used to house my axolotls so doesn't need cycling. It's a 90 litre (20 uk gallon) to which I have added some new stones at the back, some live plants and the large rock to the left (actually plastic). Water parameters are fine but the water in my area is quite hard. Filter is eheim aquaball 60 but I am going to upgrade to an aquaball 130 soon as I need more filtration to keep more fish.
The plants at the sides are fake and the plants in the middle are vallis. Water temparature is 25C (78F).
I first added 14 cardinal tetras, a couple of which were actually neons. They died one by one and developed white spot which I have now treated but only 4 remain, 2 cardinals and 2 neons. They have survived another week with no problems and are eating and I have just added 2 zebra nerite snails to help with maintenance.
I have noticed that the biggest neon is chasing the others quite aggressively, is it possible he bullied the weaker members to death? Or is he just letting the others know that he's the boss now there's so few?
Bump the cardinals back up to 10 or so
5 kuhli loaches
3 guppies
1 dwarf flame gourami
1 german blue ram
1 cockatoo apistogramma (or a 2nd GBR)
Maybe add another plant - Maybe anubias
Any ideas on why my tetras struggled early on?
Would my tank be overstocked?
Do you think I need more hiding places/plants?
Any tank mate issues?
I have no lid and a small light, is this a problem?
Thanks for any help.