Bought some new fishies
First, I bought more Emerald Danios, 6 more of these guys to bump up number to I think 20 which is good number for these little guys.
Then,I finally found a store that had
Asian Rummynoses - Sawbwa Resplendens
Earlier I had found another store that had these but did not trust the store 100% and the fish did not look all that healthy to be entirely honest so I reluctantly walked away from that one and about 3 weeks later went to a different store, much healtheir and juvenile rummynoses which was what i wanted exactly, ok was a little more pricey than previous store but well worth it imho.
Within a few hours of being in this tank, their nose has turned a lovely reddish colour and their bodies whitened up, really lovely fish. I bought six of these guys.
They seem a little territorial and a few darts at each other and at my emerald danios at first but have settled down now.
And finally, the best bit
I got some jet black cherry shrimps
Yep, I bought four as they were kinda pricey and hoping to get 4 more if the store has any left
Sorry for the poor quaility pic but its kinda hard to get a decent close up pic of these little critters
Thats it for now, am planning on setting up my co2 to this tank as getting a bit of hair algae type growth which is becoming a bit unsightly and hoping Co2 with ei ferts will encourage the plants to grow a bit stronger as believe my t5 light is a bit too strong and thus encouraging alage to grow.
Will update when i start doing that soon