Ch4Rlies New 2.5 Feet Tank Journal

Thanks very much you guys :)
Now, I need another specie of fish thats suitable with gouramis and amano shrimps, nothing too small like CPD's or harlequins as suspect the amanos may dine on these :x
Forktail Blue Eyes Rainbowfish perhaps?
I did consider cherry barbs but they grow to about 5cm so a little too big imho.
Something that grows to about 3.5cm max so can have a small shoal of 6 and do not dine on amano shrimps.
Flame tetras are quite nice, one of my favorite tropical fishes. My biggest one is possibly 3.5-4cm. Very peaceful and I can't imagine a shrimp going after one.
Hi Ch4rlie, just catching up on what I've missed whilst I was 'away'. Looking good, I like the whiptail looks a cheeky looking fella :)
Akasha72 said:
Hi Ch4rlie, just catching up on what I've missed whilst I was 'away'. Looking good, I like the whiptail looks a cheeky looking fella
Oh yes, he/she is stunning, did not realise what was missing out on when had no catfish in that tank

Though am nowhere near happy with the look of this tank, really want to do a full rescape....
I tell myself at least once a week that I'm going to rescape mine but I never seem to get round to it lol
If the whiptail is anything like my BN he/she will decide on the scape for you and any attempt to change it will result in lots of floating plants and lots of holes in substrate
here's a round tuit for you--hope it helps you get things done faster

A little update, I decided to do a complete rescape of this tank as did not like the setup previously much anymore as well as the fact was getting some algae issue. So kinda was a 2 birds with one stone shot....
New tank set up, added grey fine sand on top of the natural sand, i don't mind these 2 colours being mixed eventually.
New tank setup.jpg
Male Gouramis here showing some pale colouration due to stress of being moved, he is a bit of a wimp truth be told as the female gourami did perfectly fine without too much stress at all

New tank setup Male G.jpg
New tank setup Female G.jpg
Whiptail catfish, you'll be happy to hear this guy was cool as a cucumber throughout the whole change and catching him was so easy (honestly, was expecting him to be a royal pain to catch!)

Whiptail Catfish.jpg
I used my 10 gal tank with a hob and heater installed, and new plants still in pots in same tank, parked the 2 gouramis, whiptail and the amano shrimp while did the work on their 2.5 feet tank, took longer than expected but well worth doing as the peace of mind of knowing these guys will be fine for any duration of time should anything go wrong during the rescape was worthwhile.
All in all took most of the day to do everything to my satisfaction
Why is it I love catfish?
Following with a lot of interest as I have this exact tank and light set up a similar external filter.....and no idea as to what to do with it.

Yours is looking great so far.

I know it's a little late, but IKEA has a stand called Kellax (off top of my head) which is perfect for this sized tank, it's exactly 30" long. I had my tank on it originally (moved house and closed the tank down hence it being empty now) and it is very sturdy. It was £20 for the white one.

Edit: wow I didn't check the date and posted before I'd finished the whole thread. Oops! Tank looks great.
Bought some new fishies

First, I bought more Emerald Danios, 6 more of these guys to bump up number to I think 20 which is  good number for these little guys.
Then,I finally found a store that had Asian Rummynoses - Sawbwa Resplendens
Earlier I had found another store that had these but did not trust the store 100% and the fish did not look all that healthy to be entirely honest so I reluctantly walked away from that one and about 3 weeks later went to a different store, much healtheir and juvenile rummynoses which was what i wanted exactly, ok was a little more pricey than previous store but well worth it imho.

Asian Rummynose - Sawbwa Resplendens.jpg
Within a few hours of being in this tank, their nose has turned a lovely reddish colour and their bodies whitened up, really lovely  fish. I bought six of these guys.
They seem a little territorial and a few darts at each other and at my emerald danios at first but have settled down now.
And finally, the best bit :)
I got some jet black cherry shrimps :eek:
Yep, I bought four as they were kinda pricey and hoping to get 4 more if the store has any left :/
Black Cherry Shrimp.jpg
Sorry for the poor quaility pic but its kinda hard to get a decent close up pic of these little critters :lol:
Thats it for now, am planning on setting up my co2 to this tank as getting a bit of hair algae type growth which is becoming a bit unsightly and hoping Co2 with ei ferts will encourage the plants to grow a bit stronger as believe my t5 light is a bit too strong and thus encouraging alage to grow.
Will update when i start doing that soon :)
the rummy noses look lovely ch4rlie ... even the shrimps look kinda cute (in a creepy way, just me ... I still can't stop being creeped out by shrimps)
:wub: The asian rummies look great. Cute little shrimp too!

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