Ch4Rlies New 2.5 Feet Tank Journal

Erk, bad news about the leak - did you find and fix the cause?
Akasha I do think that the taps should come as standard with Eheim classic filters but other than that they really are a fantastic filter!
Charlie I use an Eheim 250 on my 64L tank and the 350 model on my 120L tank and the flow on both is okay but I wouldn't want any less.  I was wondering if your 150 model would be powerful enough, especially with a double spraybar.
Am I being thick or will drilling more/bigger holes just slow the flow down more?  Just like a shallow stream flows faster than a deeper one, widening the channel reduces the pressure so the water doesn't move as fast?
Am I being thick or will drilling more/bigger holes just slow the flow down more? 
That is correct.  More holes equals less pressure coming out.  I can run a 800 LPH canister filter on my 70 LT 2 foot tank flat out without causing a ripple on the surface and only a gentle slow current because I drilled extra holes in my spray bar, A bit of experimentation with where you drill the holes and how big how many and how you position the spray bar can get some great results.
I heard that it is no good to run your filter at maximum current and flow issues in the tank aside,  Something about bacteria not being able to do its job properly. That you only need about 4 to 5 times an hour turnover thru your filter and it will work better, If you need current use a power head.
daizeUK said:
Charlie I use an Eheim 250 on my 64L tank and the 350 model on my 120L tank and the flow on both is okay but I wouldn't want any less.  I was wondering if your 150 model would be powerful enough, especially with a double spraybar.
Exactly what am wondering, the 150 is supposed to be for tanks up to 150 litres, my tank is about 80 - 90 litres. :/
Methinks a upgrade to 250 would probably be better but the 150 is brand new and specially bought for this tank. Darn.
Btw i think the leak was due to the hose not being tightened enough to the filter, i did not see any source of leaks.
And more or larger holes does equal less pressure. Hmm, there IS some flow but just not very much at all, I'd like just a fraction more tbh.
The 250 model is obviously bigger so it would take up more space in your cabinet and it uses 12mm hoses at both ends so you'd potentially need another double tap if it doesn't come with them.
I think that Eheim is a bit generous with the maximum tank sizes for each filter.  The 250 is rated for tanks of 80-250 L but I find the flow is quite slow in my 64L.  It was more powerful when it was brand new but it does seem to lose a bit of power over time, even with regular cleaning of hoses and impeller.  Of course it also depends on what media you use, I have mine stuffed full with sponges, filter wool and ceramic rings right now so that must slow it down somewhat.  Even so, I can't imagine using a 250 model on a 250 litre tank even when brand new unless you have some really fancy fish that can't stand a current!
The 350 model is rated for 120L to 350L and I'm quite happy with the flow it gives in my 2 foot 120L tank but again, I can't imagine it would be sufficient for a planted 350L tank.
Alternatively, perhaps you could just reduce the number or size of holes in the spray bar?  I guess that when you added a second spray bar that doubled the number of holes and then you drilled more so maybe there are just too many holes now?

NickAu said:
I heard that it is no good to run your filter at maximum current and flow issues in the tank aside,  Something about bacteria not being able to do its job properly. That you only need about 4 to 5 times an hour turnover thru your filter and it will work better, If you need current use a power head.
TTA is probably a good person to ask about this.  To my knowledge, the bacteria in the filter need oxygen and more flow means more oxygen which is generally a good thing!  I'm guessing the question is whether the flow can be so fast that the bacteria don't have time to uptake the oxygen.  What I do know is that the high-tech planted tank folks regularly run their tanks at 10x flow with no problems - however much of their bacteria and filtration is probably happening within the tank itself via plants rather than inside the filter.  I don't honestly think that a strong flow is a bad thing for bacteria but TTA is your man for this sort of thing. :)
my filters have always run at maximum power. There is something in the manual that says you shouldn't turn it below half flow or it does something to the bacteria? If anyone is interested I'll dig out my manual and tell you what it days - it could be helpful 
This looks great Ch4rlie!! What are you going to stock it with?
Super excited to see :) 
Thanks Guys

My first encounter with Eheim looks set to be disapointing, after looking forward to this for some time, its not turning out to be what I hoped for

Daize, you're a great font of brilliant information regarding thes Eheim filters, thanks so much for your advice so far.
Have been comparing sizes with 150 and 250 Classic Eheims.
Whats REALLY annoying me is the fact I got special poret froam all the way from USA at some costs. And I cut those poret foam sheets to size to for the 150, now these will be too small for the 250, luckily I bought two sets of these sheets so I would have some spare but had plans for those in future, guess means I have to buy more again sometime

Now the shelf will be too low for a 250, so that will have to be reset again if get a 250, as well as another spraybar, list goes on really.
Having said that, Daize, you seem not too happy with the 250 for a 64l tank, have to say am surprised but not surprised at same time, hope that makes sense!
So now am debating about 250 or 350 for my tank with two spraybars and set up like above with extra holes etc etc
What to do with the 150...........
Akasha72 said:
my filters have always run at maximum power. There is something in the manual that says you shouldn't turn it below half flow or it does something to the bacteria? If anyone is interested I'll dig out my manual and tell you what it days - it could be helpful 
I had a TetraTec 1200 on a 90 litre tank with threadfin rainbowfish tank a while back, I had the valves turned down about 50%, did not appear to affect the filter after a year of running like this. Though if I was going to run a filter like that for say 2+ years, then yes, perhaps will affect it eventually, but do not know for certain.
Guess only one way to find out

carmstrong said:
This looks great Ch4rlie!! What are you going to stock it with?
Super excited to see
To be honest, apart from habrosus cories and perhaps pinochhio shrimps though am seriously considering Cardinal Shrimps as well but these like higher temps which cories don't like much.
Otherwise I have not a clue what going to stock this with

Suggestions welcome of course
As an experiment in playing with filter flow from the spraybar, I blocked up every other hole I drilled (blocked with toothpicks, hey it works
and just temporary)
The flow did improve a little but not enough to satisfy me and thinking ahead that the poret foam will eventually get filled with gunk and that will restrict the flow even more given time.
Thinking the 250 should be ok, the tank is 30 x 12 x 15, making it 88 litres / 23 gals US, really 80 litres and 20 gals, and filled with substrate and plant and decor takes away approximately 15%, which makes the water volume about 70 litres give or take a litre or two.
Thats why I originally thought the 150 was good enough for this volume, of about 70 litres, have now learned the hard way its not

This is where I wish am rich to buy whatever I need.......
I was just about to suggest blocking some holes on the spraybar to see if you can get any more mileage out of the 150! :)
Dang I'm sorry that this has turned into a headache for you.  The information supplied by Eheim about tank size seems pretty misleading IMO.  Is there any way that you can return the filter and get your money back?
Maybe I could take a video of the flow in my tanks if that would be of any help to you?
daizeUK said:
Maybe I could take a video of the flow in my tanks if that would be of any help to you?
Yes, I appreciate any help or advice I can get

Now, am toying with idea of keeping the spraybar and filter, rather than swapping these out and going to expense of buying a new filter and readjusting everything to suit.
How about I get a small power head / pump, such as Eheim Compact pump 600 and fitting a spray bar on that and will sit at bottom of tank opposite filter intake. this would create more flow.
powerhead spraybar idea.jpg
Do excuse my poor drawing skills, but hopefully you can get the idea of what I'd like. The top spray bar, as currently is, with drilled holes etc and the arows are roughly the flow. And you can see at bottom at end of tank, going widthways is a pump and spraybar, would this would create decent flow?
An alternative way

new flow idea.jpg
That might be the answer.......
are you set on the spray bar? Would an outlet nozzle give you better flow?
As you probably know I run two filters on my 4 footer - one on each side. I use the outlet nozzles and I have each nozzle pointing to the middle so the flow is hitting the front middle of the glass. This then sends the flow back towards the edges and I get very few dead spots this way. I never have to vac my sand to clean up poo, it seems to be pushed with the flow back towards the inlet basket of each external. I also regularily find very small amounts of sand inside my canisters on cleaning day so it's also picking up tiny amounts of sand along with the poo - either that or it's the swishing of cory tails that does it
Thanks Akasha, I have always believed spraybar give better flow and circulation to tank.
Thats just my preference really.
Of course this is not set in stone, am just giving out ideas so far, thinking aloud if you like :lol:
But your suggestion sounds good, though thats with two filters, so that would give much better flow in any case anyway, my tank is not big enough to warrant splashing out money on another filter to have two running.

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