The Roma 125 Mountain Range!

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Mostly New Member
Feb 3, 2014
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Hi folks, 

My name is Neil, I recently purchased a second tank! I've spent most the weekend installing and setting up, just wanted your opinions of the setup so far. Its supposed to be a mountain range, love to hear if it really resembles just a bunch of rocks! I know Its a little void of color at the moment, but I'm relying on the fish for that 

Thought id add a close up of the waterfall/bubble/centerpiece/crazy idea thingy, took my ages to get it looking reasonably ok!
That looks awesome!!
Would love a rundown on how you did it
Looks brilliant, you obviously have very good eye

I love the 'waterfall', very effective.
better quality complete pic! Tough getting a good pic with 300kb limit ;p
I found a seller on ebay who sells aquarium rock, I emailed them telling them what i wanted to achieve and they sent me 2 dozen pics, so i chose which i wanted.  They arrived a few days later, boy where they heavy, i did a basic mock up which you can see in the original post, but when transferring into the tank I deviated slightly, mainly to accommodate the waterfall/bubble thingy centerpiece and by having to place a slate base to support the heavy rock.
With the basic range in place it was just a case of adding the slate surround, just to make the break between sand and rock not so harsh. A little aquarium silicone to add a few bits of greenery to the mountain sides. Finally I nipped to my LFS and had a rummage in the bottom of there driftwood stock to find 10 or 12 small pieces, which i got for free lol! 
One of the trickiest parts however was the placing of the LED lighting system inside the tank, it adds a great effect especially with the glittery bathroom panel i attached to the back of the tank, unfortunately the pics with just the LED lighting on don't really do it justice, ill percivere though see if i can get a good shot.
Cycle has started, so have a as long as it takes to make any final changes and think about stocking. I might go for some carpeting grass, will see. The idea is all the color will come from the fish themselves, some bright colored shoals would work best i think?
Truly spectacular.  Maybe get one of the smaller Plecos so he might hangout on the rock and play as a rock climber lol. 
Hmm a pleco, climbing rocks, i could call him king kong!
Im not sure, at the moment im leaning towards a small shoal of pygmy corys and maybe a much larger group of a bright colored tetra or rasbora? What do you guys think, love to hear more suggestions stocking wise, and of course any ideas on how i could improve the tank setup. There are plenty of dark caves behind all that rock with easy access so plenty of places to hide, but do you think i need something more on the sandy areas?
Oh and thanks for all the positive input, I have been planning it for almost 4 weeks, and what I've ended up with is very close to what i originally envisaged, but its good to hear that it does actually look like a mountain range and not just a pile of rocks :) 
Interesting concept, looking forward to seeing it develop. As for stocking, there are so many options, so really it depends what sort of thing catches your eye. You planting it or just caves? If the later some of the chiclids look great.

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