Fish about to blow


If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
I'm seriously trying to go to bed, the 100 is in our bedroom so I go to turn out the light and this fish looks like it's gonna blow! What in the world is this? All the food that's gone in there today is three algae wafers that I dropped in for the new loaches. I noticed this before I dropped in their dinner.

Any ideas?



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One more, look at that belly, it's not usually white, but it's streched so much!



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My goodness! Should I assume this isn't dropsy? No scales sticking out? That doesn't HAVE to be present to be drospy, but usually is.
No scales sticking out...also this is in the last four hours, that's the last time I had a good look at them. What would hit so fast? :dunno:
I wish I could help....speaking of fish going fast, Charlie died today, also from a fat belly, barely fat at all though. I am assuming that is where the problem started anyway..... :-( -_- :(

Good luck Sorrell.
Oh no! Charlie the betta? I loved him and his new colors :-(

Jeez, this is freakin me out now...the only thing that is different is yesterday I fed them frozen Discus formula and they've never had that before, I'm sure that has nothing to do with this, but I'm trying to figure out what it might be.
Alrighty, here is what I have found in my searching as of the last few minutes. :p

It may be acute dropsy, which has a very sudden onset. It might be caused by an internal bacterial infection, which can cause internal bleeding. :/ I'm hoping that's not it, but it makes sense... if the abdomen is filling up with fluid. Is the fish acting sickly in any other ways?

Edit: Another possibility - that food COULD be affecting it. Perhaps he/she is constipated and just filled up on food today... and it has nowhere to go! I'd say try to get some pea down it if you think that's probable.
OMG, I walked back there to check and now all the fish have big bellies! I have never seen this before. He's changed color too, I'll go take a pic, OMG, this is like a ten minute disease! :-( :-( :-(
Oh dear Sorrell, maybe there really was a problem with that food you gave them yesterday. If it's affecting the whole tank, that really makes me wonder.

*waits for pic*
Ok, the rest aren't near as bad as him, this is what the two buttikoferis are doing...
there just standing on their heads like that


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More... the johannies are slender as ever I don't know why they aren't the same

anyway, auratus


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Would there be something in the discus food they couldn't handle? I don't think it was the food itself because the discus have been eating it for a month...
:sly: This is very strange. And you know how I am with a mystery! Just like you! I've been researching, but the only thing that I can figure is that it's the food from yesterday... they may have just bloated from eating today and not being able to poo. Since it's too late to buy meds or anything, I'd say try to feed them some peas, just in case it's constipation. I'd also recommend a water change, just in case, but that's too much of a hassle right now I'm sure. Maybe in the morning? Good luck... I'll let you know if I find anything else.
This is gross, but I was back there again while you were posting and the bigger buttikoferi is pooping and looks better. I actually had just dropped some form I in there when I noticed this, so I don't think I'll do peas tonight, but for sure in the morning. If they are bloated I don't want to shove more food in and form I is packed with veggies. Just glad I didn't go with pellets tonight.

Ugh, I'll for sure keep you posted and thanks for the emergency help in MAP!

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