The Infinity Tank Project


Fish Herder
Aug 31, 2011
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To Infinity and Beyond!!!!!!!! OK, got that out of the way........

I thought I might share an idea of a tank I had some months ago, which today I have finally made a reality. I am sure at some point, most of us have been in a room with 2 mirrors opposite each other. As you stand between them you get the reflection of the reflection, of the reflection, of the reflection ..........and so it goes away of into the distance getting smaller and smaller, creating dozens of mini-mes!

Well, I wondered if it would be possible to create a tank made of mirrors, that would give the illusion that it stretched away into the distance and contained hundreds of fish? Of course a tank made of mirrors wouldn't work, as you couldn't see in. So they would need to be one way mirrors. I first thought about going to a mirror company and having a tank made, but that would be expensive, and I'd be pretty miffed if it didn't work. I'd searched the internet to see if anyone had tried it, and couldn't find anything, so I was on my own!

It got put to the back of my mind for a while, until the other day when I saw some clapped out old car with naff spoilers, a stupidly noisy exhaust, and "Mirrored" windows! Bingo, that was the answer. This guy had tried to pimp his ride(and failed), so why not pimp my tank? So I went to track down some mirror window film from my local car accessories store.

And here's how it went:

First up I decided on a small 2 foot by 1 foot tank for this experiment. I went and bought one for less than 20 quid. Everything else I would need I had at home already. I knew that it would need at lighting ratio of at least 4:1 on the inside to work, so I would need to place it somewhere with dull light. Also the scape would need to be right. I figured either a stream style with only sand and gravel, a carpet of short stems, or a tunnel effect with long stems would work. Other wise it would just look like a reflection and I wanted it to look like an extension. Finally the fish. I thought it needs to be small schooling fish of all one type. I wanted the right effect, so I felt it important to use the right sculpture, so to speak.



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Next I went about fitting the mirror film to all four sides of the tank. I bought more than I needed, as I had my suspicions that this might go a little wrong!
Just as well I did buy extra. I had no instructions, so I used the "Make it up as I go along" method. I have used this method for many tasks in the past generally with the same result....FAIL! So next I did an internet search and found a handy 'How To' video. So I watched 3 minutes of the 8 minute video, and I was now an expert on window film fitting

I am not going to bore you with the story of fitting window film, as it is rather dull. However, it is a little tricky to get right. So after an hour, and a few choice swear words I was done, and very happy with the result.

Next for the scape. As this is just an experiment at the moment I went for the simplest scape I could, that would suit the task. Sand and gravel stream effect thingy
. Later I will mess around with it and use some plants, etc. for a better effect.

So, here it is without any water:


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well it looks stunning. will look great with fish in
Thanks Balajake. I have finished everything(for now), and running an external filter(mature) with glass pickup tube, so that it doesn't show. I have added a school of Red Eyes, but I think I need something with more colour. I also need more light to get a better effect. All little things to fix and really get a deep backdrop. However, it is really quite cool to look at, and messes with your mind a little. The other thing is that the fish can't see out so they are not scared of any movement and I honestly believe they think they are part of a huge school.

Here's a pic, while I sort a short video


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Stunning, but I don't understand how it works!!
Wow. That is great! :good: Do the tetras swim into the glass now!? :lol:
That is a great idea! The effect is great and I am sure it will look stunning when it matures
Wicked idea !!! Kudos
Its a bit like the idea of a Spyorb (biorb with mirrored interior). I like it a lot. Deffinitely needs more colourful fish though, and possible a bit more than just the substrate ? That way you would see more sideways reflection too perhaps ?
Wicked idea !!! Kudos
Its a bit like the idea of a Spyorb (biorb with mirrored interior). I like it a lot. Deffinitely needs more colourful fish though, and possible a bit more than just the substrate ? That way you would see more sideways reflection too perhaps ?
+1 Soemthing like neons or cardinals would look really good. especially if you were able to do like 10-15
Wicked idea !!! Kudos
Its a bit like the idea of a Spyorb (biorb with mirrored interior). I like it a lot. Deffinitely needs more colourful fish though, and possible a bit more than just the substrate ? That way you would see more sideways reflection too perhaps ?
+1 Soemthing like neons or cardinals would look really good. especially if you were able to do like 10-15

+2 it would definitely look better with more colorful fishes like cardinals or neons.
Thanks guys
I will do a switch with those Red Eyes. I have 20+ Cardinals in another tank, and or Silver Tips, both have more colour
It also needs more intense lighting to improve the effect, and better scape(plants?). I just kind of wanted to see if the theory worked, and now I can improve it.

Wow. That is great! :good: Do the tetras swim into the glass now!? :lol:

I was worried they might actually, but strangely they don't. I guess they sense it with their lateral lines, etc.

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