My Ricordea has settled in nicely, it seems to be getting bigger each day I'm sure! It's flattened out a lot and is turning a purpley colour which suits me!
Anyway..tonight I arrived home to my tank being full of what I thought was bits of cotton wool (not that it would have been a feasible thing to happen)..upon closer inspection I realised that one of my cleaner shrimp has given birth to thousands of little baby shrimp! They're so tiny (like pods) and are just flying around the tank with my clownfish zooming round eating as many as possible. At first I got excited and thought maybe they'd grow up into big cleaner shrimp but after searching around the internet it seems pretty hard to do, so maybe not!
Just thought I'd report that one anyway. My second cleaner shrimp has been carrying eggs for equally as long so I imagine I'll have another few thousand of them in there soon!