Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

Haha, well it seems like it's still having a strop actually! It's started getting more yellow patches all over it and it keeps randomly not opening up now. This is the most it's opened in the last few days..


Can't understand what's up with it!
the bit thats not opening doesnt look dead to me, test your a water change and be patient. When the polyps open out quite short and stubbly like that, sometimes it means its in too much flow
I seem to be going from one problem to another at the moment! Which is a shame seeing as I'm really keeping on top of my maintenance at the moment, and keeping all my levels really good.

Yesterday my Emerald Crab died for some unknown reason. My mum is convinced that he didn't get enough food even though whenever I saw him he was eating. But I have noticed that my bristleworm population seems to be increasing. Could these be eating essential food that my CUC need? I'm thinking of maybe trying to get rid of some of them. They pop out from everywhere as soon as I put food in the tank!
If all tank stats are fine it is often very difficult to say why we lose an invert etc

Nice to see you back

Seffie x
Thanks Seffie. I've had loads on at the moment with my degree coming to an end. I'll post pictures of some of my new corals when I next get chance!
Hey guys. Not been on in a while as I've been super busy. I've suddenly come across a little problem however. I've been doing my regular waterchanges every week and had no problems, but this last time I've tested my water, I've suddenly detected a tiny amount of Nitrite (0.1ppm). I can't think of anything that I've been doing differently recently, although I do have a crazy bristleworm family living in the tank, also I've started feeding my fish with rotifers as well as brineshrimp. Could any of these be the problem?
i wouldn't of thought they would make your nitrite go up. but has any thing died in your tank?
have you got any more stock?
If nothing seems wrong I would put it down to in eaten food, dead hitchicker (worm, snail, crab) that you havnt noticed or it could even be put to the ridiculous Inaccuracy of our test kits.
Thanks for that guys. Yeah nothing seems wrong with my tank and there's definitely nothing dead (unless there's some epic bristleworm that's dead somewhere) some of those guys are huge. It's ridiculous. I got a coral-banded shrimp about a month ago but he's still not even attempted to eat any of them!

A friend has just given me an Aqua-One CF700 external filter which I'm going to be setting up pretty soon. Does anyone know if these are any good? I thought I may as well try it out. I want to run some Phosphate remover..can I do that with this?
Here's a couple of pics of my tank at the moment, including my most recent addition..the purplefish. It's a really great fish, always out at the front on display, which is just what I needed seeing as my 2 clownfish just hide up in the top corner near the pump still!



Hey natwood your rio is looking real good including your purple fire fish really nice. Sorry haven't checked through all of thread yet, what fish have you stocked?
Keep updates coming :)

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