Triple Sulfa Info


New Member
Feb 22, 2010
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I posted this in the general forum and was advised to post over here instead.


I'm new to this site. I've been reading it for about 2 months and joined today.

I never really looked it over before today but it sure seems to be a nice site with all the different topics.
I was sort of tickled to see the dog and cat forum.

Anyway the reason I'm writing is because today I dosed my 26 gallon tank which is about 2 months old with API triple sulfa.

The reason I did so is because I have 4 Pearl Gourami. I put a feeding ring (little suction cup deal) in my tank for a few
days. I have one male and three females from what
I can tell. The male kept trying to chase her away from the feeding ring but she was very persistent.
Shortly after I noticed that one of my Pearls mouth (lower) looked a little odd.
I thouht maybe she had hurt it on the feeding ring which has been removed.
Over a period of days it started to look similar to the mouth fungus. I looked at many, many photos and that's my closest guess.
I actually took her out very gently and dabbed some tea tree oil with a qtip on both sides.
She looked better the next day and was eating but my snail (blue mystery?) didn't do good, I thought it died.
I did a almost 50% water change, my snail revived but my Pearl's mouth started looking not so good again.
After doing a lot of research and learning about gram negative bacteria and supposedly the sulfa not being harmful to plants and my snail
I chose to treat the tank.

My question is how long will it take before I see results from the sulfa?

Thank you for any help and the excellent site.
Is the med just a gram negative med and not gram positive aswell.
Don't know much about the med so will need to research it abit.

Is the mouth rotting away.

Triple Sulfa™ Powder by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals is a special formula of three sulfa medications to effectively treat bacterial infections such as hemorrhagic septicemia (blood streaks in fins and body and localized swelling), bacterial gill disease, fin & tail rot, cotton mouth disease, body slime and eye cloud for both fresh and saltwater fish. Triple Sulfa™ Powder by API will not harm the biological filter and will not color aquarium water. Contains 10 Packets Each Packet treats approximately 10 Gallons
Is the med just a gram negative med and not gram positive aswell.
Don't know much about the med so will need to research it abit.

Is the mouth rotting away.

Triple Sulfa™ Powder by Aquarium Pharmaceuticals is a special formula of three sulfa medications to effectively treat bacterial infections such as hemorrhagic septicemia (blood streaks in fins and body and localized swelling), bacterial gill disease, fin & tail rot, cotton mouth disease, body slime and eye cloud for both fresh and saltwater fish. Triple Sulfa™ Powder by API will not harm the biological filter and will not color aquarium water. Contains 10 Packets Each Packet treats approximately 10 Gallons

No, It did have a sort of white fluffy look before I put the tea tree oil on it then it kind of closed up and went down. Now it seems like a bit of a wart on the left side of her mouth.
She is relatively active and does try to eat. I also bought medicated fish food and am crushing it.

Her mouth actually looks exactly like a post that was put up this morning with the subject line "White Blister Appeared On Harlequins Lip"
that how she looked when it started then it got kind of white and fluffy, now it's back to looking like a blister.

thanks for any help, it's greatly appreciated.

How long have you been using the triple sulfa med.
How long have you been using the triple sulfa med.

Yesterday (last evening) was the first dose.


Give the med time to work then.
it sounds like flexibactor columnaris. False name mouth fungus.
Let us all know how you get on if you don't mind.

Any redness to the blister.
Also is your substrate sharp.
There was initially some redness but it went away after the application of the Tea Tree Oil.

My substrate is all rounded pebbles.

Photo attached.

I will add the second dose tonight.
I'm hoping this works. I really like my Pearls.
This is my first one. She has had one feeler shorter than the other since
I bought her and she's my favorite.

Thank you for responding to my posts.

Trying again, I thought the photo was attached.


  • Suna.jpg
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Redness around the spot can be bacterial.
Let me know how you get on.
Good Luck.

Shorter feelers can also be bacterial, on wear due to the substrate.
When I went home last night my tank was a little milky looking and some of the fish were sort of quiet.
My corys were active and my big blue snail was also active.
I watched the fish for about an hour and got nervous about putting in the second dose of Triple Sulfa.
I checked the chemical levels and they were all within safe range.
I went ahead and changed out 25% of the water waited about an hour and the fish seemed to perk up.
I then added the second dose of TS.
The fish stayed active so I crushed some of the antibacterial food and they don't seem to like it but the
female that I'm concerned about did seem to be hungry and able to eat.

This morning they all seemed normal and she actually looks a little better. Her mouth seems more flexible
and she's more active.

Thank you,
Meds can knock fish.
it more wise to issolate one sick fish with a bacterial infection, then treat the whole tank as fish build a resistance up to the meds. Also some meds can knock benefical bacteria.

Glad there some improvement.
Keep us all updated if you don't mind.
Good Luck.
Yesterday I did the last dose of the Triple Sulfa.
My Pearl Gourami seems better in behavior and looks somewhat better but not healed.
She has met me at the front of the tank the last two mornings instead of hanging out
by the filter intake.
I will continue to use the medicated fish food for the prescribed time.
I can't decide if I should do the second dose of Triple Sulfa as indicated on the
package directions or wait.
I don't want to dose the tank again but I don't want to go backwards either.
Here is a photo of her, you can also see the feeler that is messed up.
It was like that when I got her and seems to have grown but with another kink.
It also seems disfunctional as oppposed to the other one which is fine.
I would appreciate your opinion and will try to send another photo with a
different view.

I would do another round of triple sulphur.
The worst thing you can do is the cut the med short. As it will just flare back up again.

Glad to hear there some improvement.
triple sulfa is a good med. a pretty harsh one though. covers all types of bacteria (gram- and +). do not wait to redose. do it right away.
good luck

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