Stef`s New Marine Tank

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I am starting to think of very slowly introducing new fish.

I currently have two humbugs, a 6 line wrasse,royal gamma, jewel blennie, potters angel and a flame back angel ( getting on very well) in a 3ft 250 litre tank. It has 70llbs 0f live rock. I also have an external uv filter that holds 25 litres .

I saw a pair of maroon clowns in a lfs which caught my eye. Would they be a safe addition and if so do they need any special attention? If they are not suitable could any body suggest any alternatives?

I would like to add in time a cardinal, a blue cheek goby, a randal shrimp goby and a yellow tang. What is the fish capacity for this tank?
How often do people change carbon? I have decided to have both soft and hard corals so will be running it on a constant basis.

Now I know I have bryopsis in the tank I have been trying to remove it whenever I can. It seems to have taken over a couple of corals.

Would it be best to take these out completely?

I have some rock that has matured and other pieces that seem to be harvesting all kinds of algae,which is strange as it all went in at the same time. My lfs suggested taking a piece out at a time and cleaning it with a toothbrush. Is this a good thing to do or will it just make matters worse?

Any advice would be welcomed. Thanks
Thinking of what fish to introduce next. Was hoping to get a yellow tang but not sure if this would be suitable for my set up. If not has anybody got any suggestions for a fish that is similar but suitable for a smaller tank?

Here are a couple of photos of my latest corals.




My latest fish.Img_3793FlamebackPygmyAngel.jpg

I am thinking of buying a few sps colony corals from Fishman frags online.

How long can you leave them in the box before aclimatising them to the tank? My wife would be able to take delivery but I don`t get home till 5.30 so wouldn`t be able to do anything till then.


Any idea what this is on the side of my star polyp?

apparently they dont usually do well in captivity ie short life span. Also usually turn out to be coral munchers. i had one on my fish list and was told to avoid it

I like the look of these sps corals from Fishmanfrags.

I am not sure of their identity though and so don`t know what their care requirements are. I would welcome any advice.




plating low in tank as they grow out and can over shadow anything underneath.
need good flow and relatively strong lighting....
last two are a green acropora and a pink hysterix..both require good to moderate lighting, strong flow and very clean water conditions to survive

above pic, star polyps..this looks like a form of red bubble algae

Should I remove the bubble algae or is it ok to leave in?
That one I would remove as very invasive and nothing, to my knowledge, will eat careful not to burst it as it will spread via the spores released

Whats the best position for a trumpet torch coral and duncan coral?

Hello, I am not sure if this is true but i have heard that Tridachia Crispa which is a Sea Slug is the best thing to eat the type of algae you have, the only problem being that once the algae has gone the slug will die! its a pity that you can't rent them for a week or so :lol:
I think Naso Tangs are also quite good for algae.

Good Luck

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