midas pic for another thread


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
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Ft.Worth TX


  • midas.jpg
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Whats the name of this fish? I mean species wise?

A hair dresser has had one for so many years and is like 3 times bigger than the one in the picture, only thing is the poor fella doesent have a big enough tank :angry: :( :no:
Uhhhm, I think you meant to PM that to spainair, drrobbins :) I'm certain you're not hijacking my thread, pointless though it may be :grr: :whistle:
lul wuv :lol:.

I will take some pics later on, still getting more though :p, just little bit by little bit at a time, dont want to upset the biological side of the aqurarium.

Any hows, thanks wuv, he is really huge. Cant believe he is in that aquarium, but although not small the fish is so big it makes it look that small!!. Every time I pass by I look at it, poor thing cant even spin it's self around with space. :no:
I looked around under that name but they dont get as big as the fish at the place, wierd it looks so similar, it's all white with a big thing on it's head like the one in the pic, so sweet though :wub:
Mine has doubled in size since I brought him home, he's nearly the width of the tank now :S I figured I'd have a little while longer to upgrade him but now the mad rush to find a 200 for the fronts is on, so the midas can have the 120 and possibly a friend or two :wub:
spanair said:
I looked around under that name but they dont get as big as the fish at the place, wierd it looks so similar, it's all white with a big thing on it's head like the one in the pic, so sweet though :wub:
hmmmm, sweet you say....most definately not a midas :rofl: J/K, maybe it's a hybrid :huh:
HeatherSweetness said:
What thread is that for wuv?
in New world...I'm concerned over the black mark that appeared overnight on his head, you can barely see it. I thought it was a splinter from his driftwood or something but when I rub my finger over it,it feels smooth :dunno: Doesn't look like anything but a smudge,almost like some kind of tar. I'm beginning to think it's a bruise, he does this thing when he's looking for ghost shrimp...he'll smash his head in a tiny crevice under a rock for example then he'll just inhale roughly and come up with a mouth full of gravel, maybe he scratched his face or something -_-
iloveyou said:
why r u poking him in the head :X
oh puhleeze, he could take my hand off if he wanted to....I was distracting him away from the camera so I could get a shot of the black mark,he hates it so I had to turn him away

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