My spotted pleco is infested with some kind of worms! Just noticed them as he is somewhat reclusive. He is housed in a 55gl malawi cichlid tank, and all other fish are worm free so far. There have been no new fish added in many months, and we do weekly water changes of 20% with bi-monthly of 50%. The only chemicals we add to the tank are dechlorinator. Our tank Ph is steady at about 7.8, the temp is 79F, and all other levels are in the safe ranges. Please let me know if you know what these are I am about to begin a teatment for parasites but would like to know more about what I am treating. My web searching has not provided alot of clues. The worms seem to be mostly on his underside, are brownish red, about the size of a piece of string, and I would say half a cm in length. His fins also have a frayed look to them but I don't know if it is related.
Here are some pictures:
Here are some pictures: