New Discus


Fish Crazy
Jan 12, 2009
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well yesterday I got myself two new discus, the pair have laid eggs before however as they were in a community tank have never had the chance to raise them.


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well yesterday I got myself two new discus, the pair have laid eggs before however as they were in a community tank have never had the chance to raise them.

Nice looking fish im jealous, want mine to pair off :)

Saying that tho my geos have just laid eggs again :)
thanks, the pairing unfort had nothing to do with me, the guy that had them doesn't have a breeding tank for them so decided to sell them, fingers crossed she lays eggs soon as he thought she was about to yesterday before I collected them but the stress of moving her will put her off for a bit.

lol think i'll need to buy more tanks soon as I now have 2 pairs of angels and 2 pairs of discus (still to collect one pair)
thanks, the pairing unfort had nothing to do with me, the guy that had them doesn't have a breeding tank for them so decided to sell them, fingers crossed she lays eggs soon as he thought she was about to yesterday before I collected them but the stress of moving her will put her off for a bit.

lol think i'll need to buy more tanks soon as I now have 2 pairs of angels and 2 pairs of discus (still to collect one pair)

Lol how many tanks do you have?

Im hopefully going to pick up number 5 soon, need room to grow up the geo fry. Also looking to get a male green sev to put with the laying ladies, just hoping my golds start gettin jiggy soon :)
9 at the moment but if all these fry come along at the one time I'll need a few more, but I won't tell my partner this until the fry is there (haha he can't say no to giving them a tank then)

only bad thing is the 50% water changes daily with them lol
9 at the moment but if all these fry come along at the one time I'll need a few more, but I won't tell my partner this until the fry is there (haha he can't say no to giving them a tank then)

only bad thing is the 50% water changes daily with them lol

lol yeah water changes are a bore but its a good upper body work out!

If all mine start breeding im gonna need lots more tanks, but unfortunately the mrs may have something to say about that lol

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