Few New Pics Of The Inhabitants


ray and oddball keeper !!
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
lancaster, lancashire, england, uk
just a few pics of my fish!
My discus and synodontis eupterus.

my biggest channa sp. Assam, away from the other assams after attempting to eat one!
A side view of the tank.


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You have some semi-agressive and agressive fish in that tank, some that may get big I might add, doesn't seem the right place for a peaceful Discus.

Might want to consider moving him.
what size tank is it becuase it loks very highly stocked. imo youare asking for trouble with a stocking that high.
well if only people had of been this worried about it a few weeks ago when i announced it needed a home! its only in my tank due to the fact it killed one of its 'friends' in my girlfriends peaceful community! which might i add was a very nice and expensive blue diamond discus. i neither like or want discus in my tank but i ain't about to give it to the lfs as nice a chap as he might be! as you can see in the pic the discus is in very good condition, does not get chased, beaten, nipped or harassed in any way shape or form. it is more the 'aggressor' than most fish in my tank. i do know the fish in the tank will get too big for the 4 foot tank their in at the moment and will soon be amended with the arrival of my 6x2x2, the fish were never intended to spend more than a few months, its only with complications involving the new tank and re-arranging the house they are still in that tank. they are all happy and healthy and the tank is well filtered with the fx5 and 2 under gravel filters and as you can see in the pics the water is crystal clear and the ammonia is at 0 and the nitrite at 0.1 which is good considering the stocking. i am also in the process of building a fish house containing two 6 ft tanks two 3 ft tanks and 6 2 ft tanks so by this time next year everything will be as i want it, but for now the fish should be in their new home within 3 months depending on how long it takes the new tank to cycle. the only othe tanks i have running at the moment is a 3 ft containing my assams and 3 1 inch clown loaches and a 3 ft for the zebs and the discus aint going near them so its in with the rough lot until it finds a more appropriate home!!
thanks for expressing your opinions but am well aware or the 'problems' you have pointed out.
well if only people had of been this worried about it a few weeks ago when i announced it needed a home! its only in my tank due to the fact it killed one of its 'friends' in my girlfriends peaceful community! which might i add was a very nice and expensive blue diamond discus. i neither like or want discus in my tank but i ain't about to give it to the lfs as nice a chap as he might be! as you can see in the pic the discus is in very good condition, does not get chased, beaten, nipped or harassed in any way shape or form. it is more the 'aggressor' than most fish in my tank. i do know the fish in the tank will get too big for the 4 foot tank their in at the moment and will soon be amended with the arrival of my 6x2x2, the fish were never intended to spend more than a few months, its only with complications involving the new tank and re-arranging the house they are still in that tank. they are all happy and healthy and the tank is well filtered with the fx5 and 2 under gravel filters and as you can see in the pics the water is crystal clear and the ammonia is at 0 and the nitrite at 0.1 which is good considering the stocking. i am also in the process of building a fish house containing two 6 ft tanks two 3 ft tanks and 6 2 ft tanks so by this time next year everything will be as i want it, but for now the fish should be in their new home within 3 months depending on how long it takes the new tank to cycle. the only othe tanks i have running at the moment is a 3 ft containing my assams and 3 1 inch clown loaches and a 3 ft for the zebs and the discus aint going near them so its in with the rough lot until it finds a more appropriate home!!
thanks for expressing your opinions but am well aware or the 'problems' you have pointed out.

Why the Discus not with the zebs? TBH and I hate to say it, they don't look great. Color is quite dark and not vibrant. Nitrate of 0.1 is probably playing a role, along with all the movement and them not in big numbers. Sorry, but if you can't house the fish correctly then you should find a new home for them, might be able to sell or something.
nitrite at 0.1 which is good considering the stocking.
No, it's not. Nitrite should always be at 0ppm (as indicated by aquarium test kits anyway). If it's not, then there's something up with your filter bacteria, I can only assume yove added too many fish at once at some point and the bacteria hasn't multiplied to accommodate for it yet, or it's a new tank that isnt fully mature yet (not suitable for discus really).
Your filtration equipment is more tan adequate though, there is a problem somehwere.

Do you use any chemical media in your filters? Maybe that could be affecting your bacteria.
You sure told them Dave, as far as I'm concerned there is nothing wrong with his aquarium.
It looks nice and you have a nice selection of fish, but there the water quality is the biggest issue at the moment.

Once that's sorted, it should be great (though, as mentioned, the discus may begin to suffer with those tank mates, so I would consider finding it a home in a somebodies discus tank, which shouldn't be hard to do).b Rehome some other fish, or get that bigger tank, and your sorted.

A few non aquatic plants in there too ;).

So, fin dout whats up with the water and fix it, but it's not a terrible, terrible tank, could do a lot worse :good:.
well if only people had of been this worried about it a few weeks ago when i announced it needed a home! its only in my tank due to the fact it killed one of its 'friends' in my girlfriends peaceful community! which might i add was a very nice and expensive blue diamond discus. i neither like or want discus in my tank but i ain't about to give it to the lfs as nice a chap as he might be! as you can see in the pic the discus is in very good condition, does not get chased, beaten, nipped or harassed in any way shape or form. it is more the 'aggressor' than most fish in my tank. i do know the fish in the tank will get too big for the 4 foot tank their in at the moment and will soon be amended with the arrival of my 6x2x2, the fish were never intended to spend more than a few months, its only with complications involving the new tank and re-arranging the house they are still in that tank. they are all happy and healthy and the tank is well filtered with the fx5 and 2 under gravel filters and as you can see in the pics the water is crystal clear and the ammonia is at 0 and the nitrite at 0.1 which is good considering the stocking. i am also in the process of building a fish house containing two 6 ft tanks two 3 ft tanks and 6 2 ft tanks so by this time next year everything will be as i want it, but for now the fish should be in their new home within 3 months depending on how long it takes the new tank to cycle. the only othe tanks i have running at the moment is a 3 ft containing my assams and 3 1 inch clown loaches and a 3 ft for the zebs and the discus aint going near them so its in with the rough lot until it finds a more appropriate home!!
thanks for expressing your opinions but am well aware or the 'problems' you have pointed out.

Why the Discus not with the zebs? TBH and I hate to say it, they don't look great. Color is quite dark and not vibrant. Nitrate of 0.1 is probably playing a role, along with all the movement and them not in big numbers. Sorry, but if you can't house the fish correctly then you should find a new home for them, might be able to sell or something.

Did i buy the discus? no
do i want the discus? no
at any point in this have i said i want to keep the discus in this tank with all these inappropriate tankmates? err no
dark? so would you consider a black molly ill, because its dark? the discus is (very briht, might i add) orange with BLACK fins, which i agree yes is a dark colour, nice of you to point out, this is the way the fish was born and intended to be, being the expert that you are you would now that the pidgeon blood variety discus are bred in away which they loose some pigmentation in their 'skin' and also loose the ability to change colour ie. darker, when stressed etc. the nitrite (not nitrate) i would not say it is even at 0.1 i just thought id round it up as i don't get into the habbit of making explainations like ' my nitrite reading today was approximately 0.0241335352414'. not one single fish in my tank is unwell or anything of the sort so in my opinion there is nothing bad about my tank. oh yes just one question, if you had a tank containing fish worth £100 or more each ie. zebra plecs, would you introduce a fish eg. a discus which would most certainly eat any fry that may arrive? i wouldnt.
nice of ou to point all this out but next time you wish to take your time to explain something to me could you make it something truthful and something i don't know already.

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