Few New Pics Of The Inhabitants

Did i buy the discus? no
do i want the discus? no
at any point in this have i said i want to keep the discus in this tank with all these inappropriate tankmates? err no
dark? so would you consider a black molly ill, because its dark? the discus is (very briht, might i add) orange with BLACK fins, which i agree yes is a dark colour, nice of you to point out, this is the way the fish was born and intended to be, being the expert that you are you would now that the pidgeon blood variety discus are bred in away which they loose some pigmentation in their 'skin' and also loose the ability to change colour ie. darker, when stressed etc. the nitrite (not nitrate) i would not say it is even at 0.1 i just thought id round it up as i don't get into the habbit of making explainations like ' my nitrite reading today was approximately 0.0241335352414'. not one single fish in my tank is unwell or anything of the sort so in my opinion there is nothing bad about my tank. oh yes just one question, if you had a tank containing fish worth £100 or more each ie. zebra plecs, would you introduce a fish eg. a discus which would most certainly eat any fry that may arrive? i wouldnt.
nice of ou to point all this out but next time you wish to take your time to explain something to me could you make it something truthful and something i don't know already.

You don't want Discus so get rid of them. I have seen many pigeon bloods and I can tell when one looks stressed, it isn't so vibrant in color. Most pigeon bloods don't have black fins anyways.

I wish you had 0.1 Nitrates, in fact I wish I had 0.1 Nitrates! Any amount of Nitrites are bad, even 0.0241335352414, so not sure why you are arguing the point...

Well I had no idea you are breeding them. But yes I would add them, I have heard of people keeping Zebras with their Discus, not only that Discus can cost £100 or more!!!!
Did i buy the discus? no
do i want the discus? no
at any point in this have i said i want to keep the discus in this tank with all these inappropriate tankmates? err no
dark? so would you consider a black molly ill, because its dark? the discus is (very briht, might i add) orange with BLACK fins, which i agree yes is a dark colour, nice of you to point out, this is the way the fish was born and intended to be, being the expert that you are you would now that the pidgeon blood variety discus are bred in away which they loose some pigmentation in their 'skin' and also loose the ability to change colour ie. darker, when stressed etc. the nitrite (not nitrate) i would not say it is even at 0.1 i just thought id round it up as i don't get into the habbit of making explainations like ' my nitrite reading today was approximately 0.0241335352414'. not one single fish in my tank is unwell or anything of the sort so in my opinion there is nothing bad about my tank. oh yes just one question, if you had a tank containing fish worth £100 or more each ie. zebra plecs, would you introduce a fish eg. a discus which would most certainly eat any fry that may arrive? i wouldnt.
nice of ou to point all this out but next time you wish to take your time to explain something to me could you make it something truthful and something i don't know already.

You don't want Discus so get rid of them. I have seen many pigeon bloods and I can tell when one looks stressed, it isn't so vibrant in color. Most pigeon bloods don't have black fins anyways.

I wish you had 0.1 Nitrates, in fact I wish I had 0.1 Nitrates! Any amount of Nitrites are bad, even 0.0241335352414, so not sure why you are arguing the point...

Well I had no idea you are breeding them. But yes I would add them, I have heard of people keeping Zebras with their Discus, not only that Discus can cost £100 or more!!!!

DiscusLova you do know that you are telling him your opinion of how his discuss should look right? I find it intriguing that you can communicate with fish and be able to know how they feel through a photograph nonetheless , congratulations.
Did i buy the discus? no
do i want the discus? no
at any point in this have i said i want to keep the discus in this tank with all these inappropriate tankmates? err no
dark? so would you consider a black molly ill, because its dark? the discus is (very briht, might i add) orange with BLACK fins, which i agree yes is a dark colour, nice of you to point out, this is the way the fish was born and intended to be, being the expert that you are you would now that the pidgeon blood variety discus are bred in away which they loose some pigmentation in their 'skin' and also loose the ability to change colour ie. darker, when stressed etc. the nitrite (not nitrate) i would not say it is even at 0.1 i just thought id round it up as i don't get into the habbit of making explainations like ' my nitrite reading today was approximately 0.0241335352414'. not one single fish in my tank is unwell or anything of the sort so in my opinion there is nothing bad about my tank. oh yes just one question, if you had a tank containing fish worth £100 or more each ie. zebra plecs, would you introduce a fish eg. a discus which would most certainly eat any fry that may arrive? i wouldnt.
nice of ou to point all this out but next time you wish to take your time to explain something to me could you make it something truthful and something i don't know already.

You don't want Discus so get rid of them. I have seen many pigeon bloods and I can tell when one looks stressed, it isn't so vibrant in color. Most pigeon bloods don't have black fins anyways.

I wish you had 0.1 Nitrates, in fact I wish I had 0.1 Nitrates! Any amount of Nitrites are bad, even 0.0241335352414, so not sure why you are arguing the point...

Well I had no idea you are breeding them. But yes I would add them, I have heard of people keeping Zebras with their Discus, not only that Discus can cost £100 or more!!!!

DiscusLova you do know that you are telling him your opinion of how his discuss should look right? I find it intriguing that you can communicate with fish and be able to know how they feel through a photograph nonetheless , congratulations.

His Discus should look healthy, but they look dull. Dull can be caused by stress. I did not say I can communicate with fish but I have eyes and a brain.
obviously not, my discus is extremely brightly coloured!

it has always had black fins, there meant to be black.
the discus ism't every discus, all or most e different in colour.
my nitrites are now at 0!
only went up after i cleaned the filter.
tank is perfect! ALL fish are healthy!
my geophagus are breeding!!
good enough for me
You have my dream tank... lmao
where'd u get that snakehead, i've been looking for dwarf snakeheads forever!
You have my dream tank... lmao
where'd u get that snakehead, i've been looking for dwarf snakeheads forever!

got the snakeheads from bas in Bolton, make regular visits as its my home town lol.
they are nice fish i have 6 but that one in the pics is in the big tank because it tried to eat one of its 'friends'!
they were tiny when i got them about 2.5 inch's long, now about 4 inch, apart from that one in the pic which is 5+ inch,
don't know why because he was from the same lot as the others!
the other 5 snakeheads are in a 100 liter tank with 3 baby clown loach's of only 1+ inch and are all friends!
i would recommend these little snakeheads to anyone. when my fish house is completed I'll definitely try new species of dwarf snakeheads.
if you wanted some I'd recommend going to bas as in places like wildwoods that have these fish sell them for about £3o where as i got mine from bas at £9.95 each, they were healthy (if not a little skinny) and fattened up nicely very quickly.
I love how some people on these forums just seem to look for problems. Highly amusing.

Its comments like these that back your statement up.

I ain't looking for problems at all. I just get angry with I see people not taking care of their fish and knowing that they aren't keeping them right.
I love how some people on these forums just seem to look for problems. Highly amusing.

Its comments like these that back your statement up.

I ain't looking for problems at all. I just get angry with I see people not taking care of their fish and knowing that they aren't keeping them right.

right, i aint looking for an argument, thats just childish, i appreciate what you are saying, but i do look after my fish. there is only two main hobbies i havein my life with the fish being the most important one. both you and i know i have too many fish in my tank, as far as inch per gallon or however you work it out, but they are happy, i know many will get too big for the 4 ft tank but i have no intentions of leaving them in that tank for any longer than i need to. i do have a 6x2x2 on the way hopefully sooner rather than later, i have a fish house in progress, waiting for better weather to finish. i'm guessing you are mainly concerned with the discus. as i said it was my girlfriends, it killed 1 of the blue diamond discus in the tank and was bullying a few other discus, it was only a matter of time before it injured and killed another, not wanting to risk it and not wanting to give it back to the lfs i am looking after it until i find it a good home. i have no intention of keeping it longer than i need to. i have no interest in discus and don't particularly want it in my tank, it is in good condition, it eats well and is always swimming around, nothing in the tank bothers it, in fact the discus chases the geophagus and the tinfoil barbs! i know its not ideal for the fish or me but its the best i can do until it is rehomed, if i felt it was seriously unhappy or ill or something i would have it back at the lfs. how much would you say it is roughly worth? its about 4 + inch from mouth to tail. i'll need to know how much to ask if i'm goin to advertise it!
are your '7 barbonymus schwanenfeldii' tin foil barbs to us simple folk? if yes, how do you get any food to your other fish? now im not starting an argument, heavens forbid, but from my own experience i know this can be a nightmare. I have to feed my Senegal Birchers by hand with prawn to make sure they get something, before the bad boy 'tinnies' eat everything.
tank looks great by the way!!
Nath1 :good:
thats probably the most sensible thing said to me here! yes they are tinfoil barbs, and yes they are greedy buggers. it is difficult sometimes getting food to the slower fish more so at the beginning, at first i tried to hide food around i.e. the lance fish ad cockles, for the bichir and snakeheads. then i went to hand feeding, as you mentioned, which was quite interesting and more enjoyable as the fish started to recognize your hands and becoming more confident the bichir is still shy but the snakeheads come take food from me, the bush fish is best though, soon as it sees the lid come up it comes out and will wait for the food and take it straight from me! i have to throw the lance fish to the hujeta gars so they get some although they are becoming sneaky and tend to try and steel it from others. now in the tank i have some tubes, ex fluval fx5 pipe, and i hide fish in them and only the snakehead and the bichir can get to them. i feed the tinfoil barbs floating pellets first until they seem to get full and the same for the catfish but with sinking pellets and this also gives the slower fish more chance when the meaty food goes in. every time i feed them i make sure every fish gets enough food and all seem to be happy. the smaller snakeheads in the other tank are in with three small clown loaches and only eat blood worm and occasional bits of lance fish and are doing great.
I love how some people on these forums just seem to look for problems. Highly amusing.

Its comments like these that back your statement up.

I ain't looking for problems at all. I just get angry with I see people not taking care of their fish and knowing that they aren't keeping them right.

right, i aint looking for an argument, thats just childish, i appreciate what you are saying, but i do look after my fish. there is only two main hobbies i havein my life with the fish being the most important one. both you and i know i have too many fish in my tank, as far as inch per gallon or however you work it out, but they are happy, i know many will get too big for the 4 ft tank but i have no intentions of leaving them in that tank for any longer than i need to. i do have a 6x2x2 on the way hopefully sooner rather than later, i have a fish house in progress, waiting for better weather to finish. i'm guessing you are mainly concerned with the discus. as i said it was my girlfriends, it killed 1 of the blue diamond discus in the tank and was bullying a few other discus, it was only a matter of time before it injured and killed another, not wanting to risk it and not wanting to give it back to the lfs i am looking after it until i find it a good home. i have no intention of keeping it longer than i need to. i have no interest in discus and don't particularly want it in my tank, it is in good condition, it eats well and is always swimming around, nothing in the tank bothers it, in fact the discus chases the geophagus and the tinfoil barbs! i know its not ideal for the fish or me but its the best i can do until it is rehomed, if i felt it was seriously unhappy or ill or something i would have it back at the lfs. how much would you say it is roughly worth? its about 4 + inch from mouth to tail. i'll need to know how much to ask if i'm goin to advertise it!

Alright well I'll stop being angry now because as long as the Nitrites are down then the tank should be fine.

Not sure where you are from but you could advertise it as a adult Discus, you could probably get anywhere from 30 or 40 CND for it.

That's like 16-22 quid. (yes I said quid.)

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