Rescued Betta

Siamese Fighting

Fish Fanatic
Mar 9, 2008
Reaction score
It was actually my girlfriend who rescued this betta, after finding him in a tank of about 20 sharks.
He had most of his tail gone, and was under a lot of stress.

I isolated him and started the melafix process but he sadly died after 24 hours.

I took him back and told them to be more careful where they put bettas, but they didn't care. They just said "oh our part time staff put them in wherever they want".. that's great but whats to stop you moving them?

You can even see him saying hello to one of my other bettas :fish:


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are they just too lazy to move them once they see its in a vastly inaproprate tank? could it not be considered animal crulty to leave it sitting in a tank of a kitten in a tiny pen with full grown dogs.
I just ask to speak to the manager when I am not happy. I think my age might help though! They see some old lady moaning at them and start worrying :hyper: :hyper:
Aw, what a shame - he was so pretty. :( It's all these countless stories such as these that make me want to become a pet store owner so at least SOMEONE will treat fish as more than "just fish!" :X
i hate pets at home!! they had a lovely betta in there and i asked to buy it but wouldnt sell me it because i had a divided tank :blink: the divided bit i would have homed it in was bigger than the tank they had it in! was abit gutted:(
When I went into Pets at Home yesterday and asked if they had any Siamese fighting fish the guy there looked at me rather blankly and said "I dunno are they again?" and then walked away.

There was also some dead fish on the floor of the tank. ]:
It was quite disgusting.
I must admit the one near me is getting a lot better, think there's a new guy in the fish section and all the tanks are being cleaned out and you cant buy fish on the day they arrive. They also seem to be keeping the tanks a lot cleaner, and have a lot more realy plants in each for hidding places. Not saying that they're great and some of the young is staff dont really know what their doing but i did hear one explaining that they needed to cycle the tank first, although it was a fish in cycle i think. Unfortuanly it's the only lfs withing 30 mins so i tend to go there often, so i notice the changes.
How nice of you to at least give him a few hours of stress free swimming! :-(

One of my LFS's keeps all of their males in TINY little cups (they hold no more than 1/2 C of water) and they all look so sick. There is a white/blue marbled one that I really want to buy because I honestly don't think he can even swim properly, he's so big for that cup. I have a split 10 gal that I'm waiting to cycle, then I think I'll go get him :blush: Even just as an experiment to see just how much he can thrive in a nice big tank :/
I went to petco the other day and I saw a tiny tank with a betta burried :crazy: under the gravel, poor thing. I quickly dug him out when no one was looking :rolleyes: . He was all beat up and looked so mistreated :sad: :angry: I never buy fish at petco anymore. They always give me ick and other illness into my tanks.

OMG poor little betta! I agree with Jaiden, he got a nice last swim.
Yeah, I saw a SFF in my local Pets at Home in the same condition as he was, this one was blue and in with, meh i didnt even look, but his fins were shredded poor guy.

Your boy has exactly the same colouring as mine that I got from P@H a few weeks back, yellow with turquoise fins. maybe they were from the same group. Poor thing :( But as people have said, you gave him a nice few last hours.

I'm just got myself another 30l tank and I'm off to rescue another betta as soon as its cycled :) Hopefully a red guy :)
Awww, poor little guy. It sucks that he didn't make it :(

The local Superpetz here... I'll never buy fish from them again. The past few times we've gone into the store to get fishy medication.... ALL of their tanks have been absolutely disgusting.
The last time we went, I'm not kidding when I say that every single one of their tanks were infected with something and every single one of them had dead or dying fish. Not a single fish looked like it was healthy.

Now this store usually kept their bettas in good shape, but since they changed it around and the employees just don't give a crap anymore...... also the last time we went, in one of the cups holding the male bettas.. one of them was bloated and had dropsy! :crazy:
Hi all

Now before everyone shouts, i too feel sorry for any animal that is suffering :good:

The problem with rescuing fish from pet stores is -
The pet store is still getting money for their goods, regardless of the condition of the fish.
There aren't enough people to rescue all of them.
If the management see on the stock sheets, that particular fish are selling, they will order more. Thats business!

If the fish aren't rescued, then yes, unfortunately they will probably die. But, if the stock sheet at the end of the month says "No sales" of a particular fish and now its gone, business says demand isn't there so dont order any more.

Its basic supply and demand. Remove the demand and they cant make a profit on them.

This might sound harsh but its reallity unfortunately :( :( :(
From what people have said... it doesn't matter if the fish don't get sold and end up dying on the counter, b/c the stores will still get money for the fish... so I say rescue all you can.
From what people have said... it doesn't matter if the fish don't get sold and end up dying on the counter, b/c the stores will still get money for the fish... so I say rescue all you can.

How does that work? Surely if they aren't getting a profit on goods that will show up on the balance sheets?
If all the dying fish are rescued it wont change a thing cus they'll keep getting them in knowing they'll sell them.

Its a similar thing with puppies and puppy farms. Dogs and puppies are kept in awful conditions, but people still buy the puppy because they feel sorry for it. The breeder gets their money and breeds more to keep in awful conditions. If more people walked away, the breeder wouldn't be getting he money and may eventually think twice about it being a viable income option?

Just my views anyway :)

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