Discus Sick


Fish Fanatic
Oct 30, 2007
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I have a snow white discus. Lately, he's not eating and his gills under his cheeks are like very RED in color. Any hints on what disease that could be and how to treat?

Gill Fluke's. Look for some form of Fluke Tab at your lfs. Also, try getting a garlic flavoring for your food to get him to want to eat.
Ammonia burn?

What are your tank parameters (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates, pH)?

How many discus do you have?

What size is the tank?

What is your maintenance regime? (Gravel vac/WC percentage, how often, filter maintenance, etc.)?
I agree waters stats would be good first, as red gills can be due to bad water quality.
Van you post stats in ammonia, nitrite,nitrate, and ph.
Also size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Established ~ 4 months
75 gal
12 cardinals
4 cory
4 discus

Planted + 2 x diy co2
Ph 6.4 constant

15% water change daily
ammonia 0
nitrite 0
nitrate ~20

All fish seems to be OK. Even the sick discus, he is active and school with other mates. However, he just wont eat. Not sure if it's because he's slower than cardinals in fighting for food. As the cards always outeats the discus when i feed them. Definately not ammonia burn as i check ammonia+ph 2x a day. Readings were always 0 and 6.4 respectively
here's a pic.


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Can't make much out in the pic blind as a bat.

Gill flukes signs are as follows.

Red inflamed gills can look like there bleeding, or pale gills with excess mucas on them.
Rapid breathing.
Flicking and ribbing.
Spitting food out.
Any sores on the body of the fish.
Being lethagic.

You can look behind the gills with a magifying glass to see if you can see tiny white wormy things.
You have to wrap the fish in a clean cloth soaked in tank water.
Sterlise some tweezers to raise the gill flap.
You will need someone to help you during this procedure to hold the fish down gently in the cloth.
Almost a month now and this guy is sstill not eating. I have treated with fluke tabs for 3 days. doesnt seem to work. So i treated with Metroz for 5 days. And i see him pooping big lump of white jelly poo. (like animal fat) he 's been pooping like that for like 2 days now. and the metroz treatment should go for 7 days as instructed.

Any suggestions on what to approach next?
big lump of white jelly poo.
Is the fish also thin or bloated, could be dealing with internal parasites.
is the fish female.
The fish is very thin now as he's not been eating for so long. I dont know if it's a he or a she
To be honest it dosn't sound good.
Thought it might be eggs if it was a female.

Can you check your other fish for signs of being thin or bloated, long stringy white poo, or clear, enlarged anus or red and inflamed anus, worms hanging from the anus.

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