Traumatised Severum - Advice Please


New Member
Sep 22, 2007
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Dorset UK
I'm new to this forum but hope someone can help. I've had an awful week.
I woke up on Weds to find that my tank had cracked in the night and ALL the water had leaked out. Every single drop. The fish were all lying on the gravel, I dumped in some water immediately and tho most were obviously dead I saw some gill movement on my lovely severum. To cut a long and traumatic story short I lost over 20 fish, all my lovely adult male congo tetra's (tho all the females survived) all my lovely adult rainbows.... BUT the female congo's, 2 big clown loaches, 2 severum, a talking catfish and 3 cory's all survived, they are having to cope in a small borrowed tank in tap water (treated) and with no filter but look surprisingly ok. I bought a tank online which was delivered on Thursday smashed, so have just bought another and set it up and will move them when it's settled down. BUT the problem now is that one of the severum - a gold aged about 2 and about 4" is totally traumatised. She/he is hanging in the water nose up tail down, holding completely still in the water backfinning but able to move around the tank at will, tho she stays in one corner unless frightened out of it. I haven't seen her/him eat, she/he watches me as I see eyes moving but she/s completely stressed out. It came out of the corner as I moved something last night, still vertical in the water but moving slightly round the tank, but was then lightly bullied by the other green severum, same age but about 6" so went back to the corner.
I had a gold severum years ago that did this thru stress and it ended up being euthanised. I really don't know what to do, she just sits in the corner with her tail touching the gravel and her nose pointing to the sky, completely still. Do I move her into the new tank in a few days with the others or leave her in a small tank alone (obviously I'll set it up properly, the one they are in was set up at a moments notice.) I don't really have space for 2 tanks, and the new tank is a Juwel Trigon 190 corner tank, so there'll be plenty of space...
Has anyone any thoughts?
Thanks in advance
Bless them must of been awful. R.I.P.
How bad was the slime coat was it really dryed out.
To be honest there not much to be done, if the tank has to cycle again that going to take it toll on them and could end up losing the lot.
There also a chance she could of damaged her swim bladder, hows her swimming.
Bless them must of been awful. R.I.P.
How bad was the slime coat was it really dryed out.
To be honest there not much to be done, if the tank has to cycle again that going to take it toll on them and could end up losing the lot.
There also a chance she could of damaged her swim bladder, hows her swimming.

Thank you so much for the reply, she's still with us, I moved them into new tank yesterday and all are ok, tho the big severum has a knock on his head that's a bit fungussy. The poor stressed out Gold is still hovering in the water, head up, tail down, semi hidden, she can swim fine but chooses this position all the time, she too has fungus on her side and her tail is in shreds and fungussy. I've treated the tank and also put in melafix. I just don't know what else to do apart from leave her to see if she pulls thru.
The clown loaches and talking catfish and 3 cory's are all perfect, as if nothing has happened, they are all eating and love the new tank. It's just my goldie I'm stessed out about.
I don't really have any advice but I read what happened and just wanted to give you my sympathies. :-(
What an awful tragic thing to wake up too. You are in my thoughts and good luck with the severum. :flowers:
Sadly the fish tail down and head up sounds in bad shape and I would prepare yourself for losing the fish.
Has it also bloated up.
Can I ask what you are using to treat the fish.
Sadly the fish tail down and head up sounds in bad shape and I would prepare yourself for losing the fish.
Has it also bloated up.
Can I ask what you are using to treat the fish.

Hi again, good(ish) news today, Goldie is trying to live! She's still hovering but isn't hiding now, she's found a place in the tank that she likes and stays put, but is in almost full view. She's still nose up alot of the time but actually ate a tiny bit of flake today (when she thought I wasn't watching) and has "displayed" a few times to the others when they've come too close, she does look brighter, and is watching me the whole time but doesn't freak out when I go near or open the lid. On the downside she's got fungus on a wound/ulcerated area on her side and on her shredded tail. I'm treating the tank with Fungistop and melafix and the tank had stresscoat and aquasafe added a few days ago when it was set up. I checked the water today and ammonia is at .5 and nitrate the same. I'll do a small water change tomorrow but don't want to mess them about too much.
The big green severum's clonk on the head looks less white today, his fins are tidying themselves up and he's almost right as rain, as are the loaches - they are all watching me all the time and are constantly starving.
Call me sentimental but I ended up in tears today when Goldie ate that food, I so desperately want her to pull thru. She isn't bloated and can swim (her swim bladder and balance are fine when she wants them to be) but her respiration is a tiny bit fast I think, not sure, it coud just be the angle she's at. I've just uploaded a couple of pics of her, the "bits" in the water are just bubbles! goldie_1small.jpggoldie3_small.jpg
Thanks for asking after her, I'll keep you posted - any other suggestions?
She cute bless her.
Fish don't heal to well in bad water quality.
You really need to be using a good bacterial med, melafix is only good on cuts and wounds, not ulcers.
I seen fish pick up then go down hill again, she still has along way to go.
Good luck.
Got some very cute fish and lovely tank.
Usually white on the head can be columnaris most of the time.
Is there a red spot in the centre of it, or a circling of red around the edges.
Thanks, what meds would you suggest?
The water will improve as the filter matures, I know she's got a way to go, but at least she's trying now.
Not sure on your location for meds.
Got some very cute fish and lovely tank.
Usually white on the head can be columnaris most of the time.
Is there a red spot in the centre of it, or a circling of red around the edges.

It's just white, tho less so than yesterday. I think it's just where he clonked it thrashing about when there was no water in the tank.
The tank looks lovely now as it's all freshly planted - he's a real plant wrecker tho, so it won't stay lovely long!
Re meds, I'm in the UK
Anti internal bacteria med by interpet, or waterlife myxazin.
Good luck.

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