Traumatised Severum - Advice Please

Thought I'd update you on my severum and others. Good news so far! the myxazin has worked wonders, I dosed the tank for 5 days and have now stopped - is that right? The fungussy/growth on her side has gone down but she's left with a patch of sort of raised scales, hard to describe, like a pile of porridge oats on her side, looks a bit fluffy so should I now try an anti fungus med? She's completely lost her tail but now swims round the tank from time to time, tho is being intimidated by the big sev who's ruling the roost. She eats well and is quite perky, now just hiding mainly to keep out of the big sev's way.I have attached a pic, you may be able to see the wound on her side.

I'm now a bit anxious about my talking catfish. he's about 3 yrs old, and 4 and a half inches, he's looked fine, but now seems to be breathing too fast and isn't hiding as well as normal, he looks really fat, but he's always been fat - I'm not sure, something just doesn't seem right. Could it be the myxazin? he also looks a tiny bit slimy, hard to describe, maybe some anti fungus med would help - or have you any ideas?
The water is fine, ammonia and nitrite 0, ph a bit high at 8 and temp 79 degrees.
Any thoughts? Everything else is fine, they are all blooming!


  • goldie_2small.jpg
    21.6 KB · Views: 67
The scales are they sticking up is the fish bloated.
The tank still has desease in it.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing as slime build up and labour breathing points towards parasites if the water quality is good.
Fish can get bacterial infections if parasites are involved.
Wilder do you remember the lump my male sev got? Well to me it looks very simialer to the lump on the OP sev :/
I do remember some post but I answer to many and them comfuse myself lol.
What med did you use for the lump and did the fish get better.
The scales are they sticking up is the fish bloated.
The tank still has desease in it.
Any signs of flicking and rubbing as slime build up and labour breathing points towards parasites if the water quality is good.
Fish can get bacterial infections if parasites are involved.

Hi, no the gold severum's not bloated at all, the patch of raised scales is from the damage she sustained after the tank broke a couple of weeks ago and she and the others were clonking about on the gravel. This tank is a new set up, she had these damaged scales but they were covered in fungus, that seems to have declined but the scales are not lying flat. As if she's going to shed them - does that happen?

I'm wondering if the talking catfish has got slime disease...are there any other symtoms?
Ok lifted scales can be due to damage will find yo some info.
Slime desease will get you that info as well as its on the same page.
Lifted scales not always dropsy it can be parasites underneath.
With the slime build up and labour breathing you could be dealing with one.
Any fish gone thin.
No, no skinny fish, they all look fantastic. Not sure about slime diease, tho salt seems to be a common remedy for this sort of thing - would it do any harm? What sort of salt and what quantity.
OR should I try myxazin again or another anti-bac?
Sorry to bombard you with questions!
I would only recommend salt if you have no scaless fish in the tank.
One teaspoon to 5 gallons but best to add it gradually rather than in one big dose.
Fungus can grow on dead tissue.
Seen any fish darting around, flicking, and swim in a jerky movement.
Check the gills over to see if there pale with excess mucas on them, or red and inflamed.
You could try the myxazin again but if parasites are involved it won't do much. till you get rid of them.
This chart might help.
I've got clown loaches, are they scale-less?
Haven't seen any flicking or jerking, the gold sev has got a small red patch next to her gill but she's had it ages (before the tank break). She's also got raised little lumps on that same side on her side.
Yes clown loaches do have scales but to hard to see them the only area they are scaless is on the head region.
Don't advise adding the salt though with the clown loaches.
Red patches if not on the gills can be septicemia, and with the lump as well, the fish are in a bad way.
Only thing to do is carry on with the bacterial med.
have any fish had bent spines.
No, no bent spines.
Will redose with anti bac tomorrow, should I do a water change first?
Thanks for all the help with this, that last link was brilliant.
Going to bed now - the dogs are nagging for bedtime biscuits and driving me nuts!
List of symtoms so far.LumpsScales lifting though throw damage.
Red patch.Looking pale and slightly slimey
Any red streaking or little red dots.
I'm off to bed to soon.Yes carry on with the myxazin.
Thats fine no bent spines thank goodness.
Do you have anti internal bacteria med by interpet as I think I would change to that now.
Do you know the red patch next to the gills does it have a circling of white around the edges of it.
To be honest with all the bacterial infections your fish have really need a good antibiotic but not available in the uk.
Though I think you can order maracyn online.
Hi again, I am pretty sure that the talking catfish has got velvet or slime so have dosed with Interpet Anti Velvet.
These are the severum's symptoms :Small Lumps/Scales lifting though through damage/Red patch (old) beside gill, slight fungus traces on raised scale damage/lost tail

These are the talking catfish symptoms: Looking pale and slightly slimey in patches on back/ fast gill movement/lethargic/not hiding/is fat/bloated. Have attached a pic, this is him with his tummy closest to the camera.

I've got some metronidazole for fish, called fish zole, would that be any good for any of the above? Now that I have dosed with the anti velvet can I use myxazin or the internal parasite med (or the fish zole if appropriate).

Speak soon


  • talking_c.jpg
    32.2 KB · Views: 63
Its not wise to mix meds.
I would see how the fish are after the slime and velvet med course is up.
Increase aeration in the tank.
Good luck.

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