Looking For Really Good Pics

My VT Male

My Combtail Male

My Delta Girl

My Plakat Girl

can get some more recent pics if it will help any :good:
Eeer Modaz does that mean i get a free fishkie?? There are some amazing pics of bettas on the betta pic thread have you looked on there?
I would post up some pics of my girls, but there's been some speculation as to how female 1 or 2 of them actually are....

SEE? :lol: I still think I have all girls though as there's no flaring or anything aggressive at all, bubble nests or not :fun:

I do love this pic though...
I would post up some pics of my girls, but there's been some speculation as to how female 1 or 2 of them actually are....

SEE? :lol: I still think I have all girls though as there's no flaring or anything aggressive at all, bubble nests or not :fun:

I do love this pic though...

That is a fab pic
i dont know if these are going to come out alright i noticed after i snapped them there was a finger print on the lens

but let me introduce you to Parma




nd this is stripe

WOW great pics!!!! thanks so much gunna have a play around with them and see what happens :good:

Devon Charm, your first on the list for a free fishy :D
Wow tha pic of the betta flaring is really cool.

Here's a few pics of my baby boy, Sonny.


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Would you like a pic of my Copper BF HM rosetail (the one in my signature)?
YES PLEASE!!!! thankyou, better still put him in a nice warm box and ship him to me :lol: i know its a long way so best not

:lol: he came to me all the way from Thailand (to Australia) and survived the trip :) but he isn't going anwhere :p I emailed a pic of him to you :) I will take some more pic's of him over the weekend I'll email them to you also :)
Thanks so much everyone the site is looking great. managed to have quite a few added to it, the ones that ive used so far have been pmd to inform them that ive used them but still looking for a Combtail and CT (males) pk female, and an awesome BF male, the pic must not have glass smudges as im unable to erase them from the pics. :blink:

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