Hi all! I've been lurking around this section of the forum for quite a few weeks now. I've been following other people's nano journals and Googling/using the foum search function until I'm blue in the face! Though I still have lots to clarify through more reading and I'm not going to rush anything.
At the moment I have a 30" x 12" x 18" tank with hood and cabinet, which I think works about somewhere between 25g and 29g? Not totally sure, but I think it's around that. The tank is currently being run as a planted tropical freshwater system and I am currently considering taking my fish and amano shrimp to my LFS for rehoming and starting a marine tank from scratch. I feel a bit mean "getting rid of" my current fish stock, because I get quite attached to my various critters, but my LFS is part of a reliable UK chain of aquatics stores (Maidenhead Aquatics) so I'm sure they'd find a decent home in no time. I might even get a bit of store credit, which is always handy!
I already have a Visitherm heater and I'll deal with lighting in a bit. I plan to keep fish, live rock and some soft corals. My proposed shopping list of equipment is this so far:
Thanks in advance for helpful responses! I'm sure I'll bore you with many more questions in time
At the moment I have a 30" x 12" x 18" tank with hood and cabinet, which I think works about somewhere between 25g and 29g? Not totally sure, but I think it's around that. The tank is currently being run as a planted tropical freshwater system and I am currently considering taking my fish and amano shrimp to my LFS for rehoming and starting a marine tank from scratch. I feel a bit mean "getting rid of" my current fish stock, because I get quite attached to my various critters, but my LFS is part of a reliable UK chain of aquatics stores (Maidenhead Aquatics) so I'm sure they'd find a decent home in no time. I might even get a bit of store credit, which is always handy!
I already have a Visitherm heater and I'll deal with lighting in a bit. I plan to keep fish, live rock and some soft corals. My proposed shopping list of equipment is this so far:
- AquaC Remora Skimmer with Maxijet 900 (I know a lot of people with smaller tanks run their systems skimmerless and only rely on water changes, but I'd personally feel more comfortable knowing that I have a skimmer)
- Maxijet 1000 Powerhead for flow
- Eheim Canister Filter
Thanks in advance for helpful responses! I'm sure I'll bore you with many more questions in time