Well Lookey Hear What I Found In My Yard!


Fish Crazy
Sep 25, 2005
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I Cant Beleive Someone Would Such a Thing Who would do this??? :crazy: :unsure: :angry: :shout: :blink: , i certinaly wouldnt! It's going to Leave a Yellow patch in my yard!!!!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
:sick: Gross , Sick :


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:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: I'm sorry, I just had to laugh... why would you take a picture of a doggy mishap? Sorry, I don't know how to. :dunno:
huh shame on you! it was a very misfortunate tradegy that happened to my lawn. Who would commit such terroristic attack to my lawn :angry: whats with this maddness? this is like the 5th time this week to there's pet stains every :sick: where looks like a bomb went off in my lawn :-(
i rember the good days when my lawn was like a beutiful green sea 8) but know it's a wasteland! :crazy:
huh shame on you! it was a very misfortunate tradegy that happened to my lawn. Who would commit such terroristic attack to my lawn whats with this maddness? this is like the 5th time this week to there's pet stains every where looks like a bomb went off in my lawn
i rember the good days when my lawn was like a beutiful green sea but know it's a wasteland!

That is so sad :-( :-( :-( I hope someone finds a way to help you.
sea someone understands the pain and suffering i'm goiing through stepping in poo(in my bare foot) or finding poo all over my lawn i just want two Shout :eek: :shout: :shout:
Put out a fake camera into the yard where people will be able to see it with a sign "you are being surveillanced" or something lol then they might not let that go untaken care of. Scare the people a bit!
:lol: I'm picturing you, out in your yard, taking a photo of that. :lol:

I'm sure the neighbor's dog is laughing his @$$ off at you too!
Unfortunately, this is an almost daily occurance in the garden here. I simply don't understand how a dog owner can just stand there and watch as their creature dumps in someones garden.

On one occasion, I saw a woman allowing her 2 creatures to wander around our garden, one of whom decided it looked like a good place for a dump. When I shouted to her, she looked at me as if I was mad!
We had a neighbours dog constantly defecating in our front garden and we told him as, politely as possible, to stop allowing the dog to do it. As the dog was never on a lead, he told us he couldn't control where his dog decided to do his business.
One morning, my partner left for work at 5:30, scooped up the doings on a spade with the intention of throwing it in the neighbours garden. However, he misaimed and it hit the house window instead! Naughty, I know, but we've never had a problem since!
This isnt the first weird thing you have posted. I have seen that apparent poodle. That aint no poodle.
Stang, we really laughed over your post! :lol: that's brilliant.

Dan use to throw all our snails over next door because the woman there once cut down one of our trees IN OUR YARD because she said it made her bathroom dark....one day while secretly snail throwing, he chucked a turd too. Oops.

So, technically, we are guilty of leaving a turd in a neighbours yard, but she deserved it. Cut down my bloody tree would ya?

Dylan is a total turd-patroller. I pick up after Sasha every day and he goes out with me and points them out, loudly "Mommy, look! a turd! mommy, there's a turd here, you have to pick it up" "Mommy, quick get a bag and a glove, I found another."

Oh and this thread should win an award. What a great thread, we needed a laugh tonight. Not because it's been a bad day, just because it's been very busy and we needed to chill a little.
yes it's a real shame that theres doggy poo in everyone's yard that is not right no no i'm going to put up a sign that say's do even think about pooping in my yard!!! :angry: or have a cardboard tombstone that say's "here lies the last dog that pooped in my yard." :angry: oooh that burns my bunssssssss!!!!!!!!
Stang, we really laughed over your post! :lol: that's brilliant.

Dan use to throw all our snails over next door because the woman there once cut down one of our trees IN OUR YARD because she said it made her bathroom dark....one day while secretly snail throwing, he chucked a turd too. Oops.

So, technically, we are guilty of leaving a turd in a neighbours yard, but she deserved it. Cut down my bloody tree would ya?

Dylan is a total turd-patroller. I pick up after Sasha every day and he goes out with me and points them out, loudly "Mommy, look! a turd! mommy, there's a turd here, you have to pick it up" "Mommy, quick get a bag and a glove, I found another."

Oh and this thread should win an award. What a great thread, we needed a laugh tonight. Not because it's been a bad day, just because it's been very busy and we needed to chill a little.
someone cut down your tree!? is there a law against that? i would plant a new tree right in the same spot she how she like that
I had a neighbor who's dog used to crap in my yard. A politely approached him once but he did nothing about it. From then on I picked it up with a shovel and placed it on his front step, driveway (so his car would run it over), back porch, and in one instance on the hood of his car. They don't live next door to me any more. :hey:
I had a neighbor who's dog used to crap in my yard. A politely approached him once but he did nothing about it. From then on I picked it up with a shovel and placed it on his front step, driveway (so his car would run it over), back porch, and in one instance on the hood of his car. They don't live next door to me any more. :hey:

LOL! :lol:

A great way to solve one's problems.

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