Some More Pictures From My Collection


Leader of the Fishes
Feb 8, 2003
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Due to popular demand heres some more pictures taken with the new camera

I'll start with the largest fish i own my Liearus pictus, a chunky beast at about 2 feet long and a body almost as thick as my leg.




Then something a bit more unusual, Ageneiosus polysticus

Ageneiosus_1.jpg Ageneiosus_2.jpg

A true monster of a catfish Cephalosilurus fowleri

fowleri_1.jpg fowleri_2.jpg
Hemisorubim platyrynchos


Sorubim lima and Sorubim elongatus

jeez,they would scare the hell ouy of my kids.think i'll stick to my community tank.wicked fish all the same.
Some of the smaller fish i own

Serrasalmus sanchezi

sanchezi_1.jpg sanchezi_2.jpg

and the tank it lives in (its hiding behind the wood)


Gymnotus carapo "zebra"

tiger_knife_fish.jpg tiger_knife_2.jpg

Dorminator maculatus

and a few random shots from various tanks

black arowana and nile perch


Nile perch

nile_perch.jpg nile_perch_2.jpg

electric eel

electric_eel_1.jpg electric_eel_2.jpg

Breeding pair of Channa gachua with fry


Royal knife fish, Chitala blanci


Gymnothorax tile moray eel


Mr Hankey the dwarf electric catfish

hamkey_1.jpg hankey_2.jpg
great pics and fish cfc, did luce finally let you use it then? :p

edit: just cut out my question about whether some or new, i should learn to read the title better.

am i right in saying the new ones are the sanchezi, zebra knife, and nile perch? i dont remember you having so many Sorubim limas and Sorubim elongatus's but maybe im wrong :look:

nice pic of channa gachuas too, wilfreds fatter than them :lol:
The only new fish there is the nile perch, ive had the sanchezi for about 6 months now, the zebra knife for a bit longer and ive had all the Sorubims for about 4 years now.

Yeah the gachuas often talk about their fat brother Wilfred who went away :p
The only new fish there is the nile perch, ive had the sanchezi for about 6 months now, the zebra knife for a bit longer and ive had all the Sorubims for about 4 years now.

Yeah the gachuas often talk about their fat brother Wilfred who went away :p

woops, they must have been hiding before :look: i wasnt sure about the sorubims anyway, probably just cos you got loads in one shot it looks like you have more.

I'm curious to know is wilfred actually any relation to the two in the pic? is he really their brother?
The knifefish is gorgeous as is the Ageneiosus.

So how long does it take to do water changes and filter cleans? Is it siphon and bucket, or do you have taps and valves under the tanks to drain out the dirty water? I hope you're not on a water meter -- I'd shudder at the cost if you were!

Anyway, very jealous.

Cheers, Neale
I'm curious to know is wilfred actually any relation to the two in the pic? is he really their brother?
Yep, Wilfred and these two are all from the last spawn of my original pair before they decided to try and walk back to Asia.

So how long does it take to do water changes and filter cleans? Is it siphon and bucket, or do you have taps and valves under the tanks to drain out the dirty water? I hope you're not on a water meter -- I'd shudder at the cost if you were!

Weekly water changes take about 6 hours on a sunday morning and this includes giving all the smaller filters a quick rinse in tankwater, once every 2 or 3 months i set aside a whole day and strip down all the external filters. I run a hose straight out of the fishroom to a drain outside to syphon the the water out and then refill with another hose conected to the outside tap. When i move from the fishroom to the new fish house later this year i will be plumbing all the tanks onto a auto changer system of some sort as i plan on adding another 800 gallons or so of tank space and a 1200 gallon pond.
Luckily no water meter here, they offered us one when we bought the house last year as it "could save us money" :lol: but i politely declined their kind offer.
Is the goby in your brackish tank?

The zebra looks great, can't wait for mine to get that size. How big is yours at the moment?

great photos, Im glad you got a new camera (and I still think you should get some new shots of your peacock bass ;))
Is that a real nile perch

Its a Lates microlepis, not as large growing as the true Nile perch Lates niloticus which can reach nearly 2 meters in length but still a monster with a wild adult size of about 3 feet.

Is the goby in your brackish tank?

The zebra looks great, can't wait for mine to get that size. How big is yours at the moment?

great photos, Im glad you got a new camera (and I still think you should get some new shots of your peacock bass ;))

Yeah the jade goby is in the brackish tank, it does a fantastic job of eating algea off the glass.
The zebra knife is around 8 inches or so, im not sure of a name down to a species level so i dont know how much bigger it will get if it grows anymore at all.

Ive only got 2 p bass now :( They never picked up again after the room heater blew and i lost two of them and the remaining two are having on going health problems so im not photpgraphing them, they really dont take cold well at all.

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