In These Pics Does She Look Pregnant?

well some people are saying a few days how many u mean? and some people say 2 weeks :unsure:
so which one is it?
yeah but u no the video modaz posted in that was what a guppy looked liked when it had about five days to go and my guppy is no where near as big as that. is this because its her first batch of fry and shes quite young still so she wont have as much fry, she wont get that big this time?
anyone ? btw why r some females smaller when they give birth than other females because i saw a video on you tube and the female that was giving birth was alot less fat than the video modaz sent in why is that?
kk umm do u know the answer to my question?

[post=""]guppy i thought was quite thin when giving birth.[/post]
Younger females don't get as large during the first pregnancies for some reason. Maybe as they get older, their bodies are able to stretch more. This goes for other fish as well. I've seen the same thing in my Platies and Mollies. That's why they give birth to fewer fry.
ok how will i tell when shes about to give birth within that hour or so? becuse she is still eating and stuff. because i have this plastic tank i can put her in before the birth and dont know when i should put her in there. here is a updated pic. i dont think she even looks preg here! lol but then the other does. soz i put two pics the same :blush:


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when fish are going to give birth they sliding arcoss the gravel and find a safe space so the fry won't get eaten straight away. rule numkber 1) be patient i know it hard to be :)
this is a video of her a day ago. does she definatley look like she guna drop in like 3 days? by the way this is her first batch of fry and she is young. btw when i look at her, her gravid spot aint that big like on the video hmm oh its prob the lighting in there tank isnt it
[post=""]my pregnant guppy[/post]

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