I setup my 36g and moved my cherry barbs to their new, spacious home.
The tank is very simple. Mostly planted with leftovers from the 8g and the 20g tank. I purchased two pieces of wood, the kind with the suction cups, which were a challenge to anchor in place. One ended up being attached to the aquarium wall, which I thought would look stupid, but it doesn't look bad.
Tank stats:
Size : 36g bowfront aquarium. 21" deep, with a 21" radius.
Lighting: 65W compact fluorescent on for 10 hours, giving me 1.8WPG. Actually, the fixture is a 2x65 W fixture, but I only have one light on at a time.
Substrate : Same old, same old. Laterite mixed with 1-3mm natural gravel.
Hardscape: Two largish pieces of driftwood (suction cup madness) and several small pieces from the 8g with loads of moss attached to them.
Ferts: 4mL of Flourish dosed 2x a week for starters. Root tabs placed in strategic locations. Similar regimen to the 20g.
CO2 Injection: 3 Nutrafin canisters. Two changed on Fridays, with 1/4 tsp of yeast, and one changed on Monday, 1/4 tsp of yeast. Aiming for stability. Two bubble counters.
Plants: Pennywort, lotus, Barclaya longifolia, Rotala rotundifolia, Christmas and willow moss, African fern (Bolbitis), Anubias, Egeria densa, some cryptocorynes, H. zosterfolia, and FKNM's HM. It's amazing just how many plants were crammed into the 8g and 20g.
Fish: 1 breeding pair of cherry barbs and 34 fry of various sizes. Will perhaps add some corydoras or small loaches, and otos later on, once the tank is stabelized.
The tank is very simple. Mostly planted with leftovers from the 8g and the 20g tank. I purchased two pieces of wood, the kind with the suction cups, which were a challenge to anchor in place. One ended up being attached to the aquarium wall, which I thought would look stupid, but it doesn't look bad.
Tank stats:
Size : 36g bowfront aquarium. 21" deep, with a 21" radius.
Lighting: 65W compact fluorescent on for 10 hours, giving me 1.8WPG. Actually, the fixture is a 2x65 W fixture, but I only have one light on at a time.
Substrate : Same old, same old. Laterite mixed with 1-3mm natural gravel.
Hardscape: Two largish pieces of driftwood (suction cup madness) and several small pieces from the 8g with loads of moss attached to them.
Ferts: 4mL of Flourish dosed 2x a week for starters. Root tabs placed in strategic locations. Similar regimen to the 20g.
CO2 Injection: 3 Nutrafin canisters. Two changed on Fridays, with 1/4 tsp of yeast, and one changed on Monday, 1/4 tsp of yeast. Aiming for stability. Two bubble counters.
Plants: Pennywort, lotus, Barclaya longifolia, Rotala rotundifolia, Christmas and willow moss, African fern (Bolbitis), Anubias, Egeria densa, some cryptocorynes, H. zosterfolia, and FKNM's HM. It's amazing just how many plants were crammed into the 8g and 20g.
Fish: 1 breeding pair of cherry barbs and 34 fry of various sizes. Will perhaps add some corydoras or small loaches, and otos later on, once the tank is stabelized.