My 10g


Fish Fanatic
Jun 14, 2006
Reaction score
Southern California.

1 Male Betta

On the left side is where he always builds his bubblenests. The middle is empty for swimming. Right side has more plastic plants and a small rock decoration, behind it, a glass jar buried in gravel as a "hiding place". Comments, suggestions, etc will be welcomed! Also, I'm going to be acquiring more platns very soon, so that'll help liven it up a bit, eh?

Hi Kowalski!

I am sure your betta loves having all that room, good choice. If I can offer my opinion though, the plants and fish would stand out more with a black background.

Post more pics when you get more plants please! :)
Thanks for the tip. Sadly, I'm on a bit of a budget, but I have always thought of getting some osrt of background. What's behind it is just a flag hanging on my wall, heh, maybe I'll scout around e-Bay for a cheap background? who knows. thanks again! :)

He won't have the whole thing to himself forever, I don't think. I'm possibly thinking of investing in a few Kuhli Loaches. Who knows.
Thanks for the tip. Sadly, I'm on a bit of a budget, but I have always thought of getting some osrt of background. What's behind it is just a flag hanging on my wall, heh, maybe I'll scout around e-Bay for a cheap background? who knows. thanks again! :)

He won't have the whole thing to himself forever, I don't think. I'm possibly thinking of investing in a few Kuhli Loaches. Who knows.

you can make your own backing's dirt cheap. Just get a bit of strong cardboard type stuff, one of those tiny tester pots of paint and paint that and stick it on the back of the tank. Unless your a great artist probably not the best idea to go for something fancy, but a plain colour is dead easy to do.
Yeah, right after I posted that I did a bit of searching here at the forums and it sounded like that was the easiest/cheapest/quickest way to do it. Thanks for bringing it to light for me. I'll probably do that once I get back from my camping trip this week. Thanks for looking!
looks good can you please post a pic whith your new background when its done id like to see it.
as said you can use anything for a background if your on a tight budget, a piece of card from an art shop or newsagent wont cost much & looks good thats what i used on our fry tank at first. :D
Wow! Thats great! 10g for a betta is nice of you!

You could maybe get some cories.

Can we see a picture of your betta?

I think a black background would be nice.
looks good can you please post a pic whith your new background when its done id like to see it.
as said you can use anything for a background if your on a tight budget, a piece of card from an art shop or newsagent wont cost much & looks good thats what i used on our fry tank at first. :D

I got bored and decided to waste some printer ink so I printed out a nice gradient from blue to black and taped it to the back, looks alright!

Here it is:


Wow! Thats great! 10g for a betta is nice of you!

You could maybe get some cories.

Can we see a picture of your betta?

I think a black background would be nice.

Cories? I haven't read much about them. How many could fit in a 10 gallon with my Betta without issue? (saying my Betta remains peaceful?)

Here's my Betta:


Thanks for the comments/suggestions everyone! Means a lot!

You could have many varieties of corydoras.

Pygmy Cories - Get to about 1".... You cout have about 5-6
Panda Cories - 1.5" in suze...You could have about 4-5
Bronze Cories/Albino Cories - get to about 2.5"... 3 - 4 of these is maimum.

Dont get less than 3 cories as they like company.

There are so many to choose from!

They stay at the bottom and a betta usually doesnt even look at them!
If he is aggressive towards them, He should get used to them easily.
Corydoras are probably the most peaceful community fish you can have. They wll not bother your betta at all.

Cories will eat pellet food which will drop to the bottom. Try find food specially for cories.

You have a lovely betta!!

looks good can you please post a pic whith your new background when its done id like to see it.
as said you can use anything for a background if your on a tight budget, a piece of card from an art shop or newsagent wont cost much & looks good thats what i used on our fry tank at first. :D

I got bored and decided to waste some printer ink so I printed out a nice gradient from blue to black and taped it to the back, looks alright!

Here it is:

View attachment 37248

Wow! Thats great! 10g for a betta is nice of you!

You could maybe get some cories.

Can we see a picture of your betta?

I think a black background would be nice.

Cories? I haven't read much about them. How many could fit in a 10 gallon with my Betta without issue? (saying my Betta remains peaceful?)

Here's my Betta:


Thanks for the comments/suggestions everyone! Means a lot!
Thanks to everyone for the comments and suggestions, it means a lot. I'm going to look into some Cories, thanks for the tips!!
You should post the pics of that tank and betta in the betta forum, you know how us betta folk like pics. :lol: also If I had a 10 gallon with just a male betta i would get some White Clouds or also called Mountain Minnows, they're small schooling fish that are like bettas in the way that they can be kept in bowls and stuff without a heater as long as its in a warmer room, you should look into them, they arent dull either they're very pretty and I might get a tank and dedicate it just to them. Just putting in my 2 cents. If you want info on white clouds, browse around on
Wow a 10 gallon for a single Betta, thats cool. Bettas are cheap to keep right? I mean all you really need is about a 1g tank? And the air stone, small filter, and small light. Some decor .... Can't cost too much.

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