Hi Saboy, King and TammyLiz
Saboy - list of plants from right to left (roughly):
Aponogeton longiplumulosus; large plant at back, grows from a planted bulb, grows quickly, constently flowering, has resting periods of a few weeks.
Echinodorus amazonicus (Amazon sword); well known common aquarium plant (also on other side of tank)
Microsorum pteropus (Java fern)
Microsorum pteropus 'windelor' (Lace Java fern); smaller plant with 'ruffled' leaves
Saggittaria subulata (dwarf saggitaria); grass
Nymphaea lotus 'Zentari' (red / green Tiger lotus); smaller plant at front, much larger one now moved to the centre back, these are quite stunning when they get bigger, the red acts as a real centre piece
Anbeas nana (dwarf anubias); centre foreground
Anubeas barteri (giant anubias); behind above near bog wood
Myriophyllum tubercallum (red watermilfoil); adds a lovely flash of deep red and doesn't break as much as cambomba
Hydrocotyle leucocephala (brazilian pennywort); nice plant with hap hazard growth form
Limnobiumm laevigatumn (Amazon frogbit); floating plant, reproduces like crazy by forming daughter plants, adults then die off, have to constantly thin this out!
Non of these have presented me with any real problems and are all quite 'tidy' even the red watermilfoil!
King (love the convicts!
; love chiclids full stop!
) - yes they would increase the brightness (rougly 2xluminance) but you would be better off getting reflectors; there not that expensive and more durable (being made of much thicker sheet aluminium)
I havn't found any significant problems with cleaning, but my team of cory's do a v. good job!
The digging in the sand could be a problem with uprooting plants, my
Aponogeton longiplumulosus for instance will float to the surface if uprooted!
Thanks TammyLiz for your useful comments.... ....how's things on the other side of the pond!
Hope this helps, please keep the comment/questions coming!