I am pleased. I'm still testing nearly zero nitrates, and I've increased the dose twice already, but the BGA wasn't so bad this time, so I can see that the nitrogen is being put to good use. I didn't even have to remove any plants to remove the stuff, and there was none on the gravel. Yippie! Now, I did have quite a bit of the softer bright green stuff, but it was confined to the aquarium glass and was easily removed. My honey gouramis were even munching on it and I could see little snail trails. The stuff that had been on my plants was nasty, nearly black, and really slimy. I'm also still testing zero in Phosphates, and iron, but I'm a little afraid to add too much until I get my nitrogen on track. Here's a picture.
All the plants in the tank are stem plants except my cryptocrynes. The glosso didn't have algae on it this time, so I'm happy about that. Slowly but surely, things are looking up.
All the plants in the tank are stem plants except my cryptocrynes. The glosso didn't have algae on it this time, so I'm happy about that. Slowly but surely, things are looking up.