Fish Addict
A little over a month ago, I found a tiny lifeless fry on the bottom of my largest grow-out. I actually thought he was dead! His spine was badly bent, his tail seemed completely disabled and he struggled to get to the surface for air. Since then he has improved a lot and I've discovered he is definitely a boy and with a very nice BF pattern, but his spine is still bent and he uses his pectoral fins to get around. Occasionally when he's begging for food he'll wiggle his tail a little, but he never uses it to swim. He's a really cute little guy, he is very active and he glides around happily in his tank. BUT, since he will be a male with heavy finnage and that finnage will most likely not function, I'm unsure if it's cruel to make him live with a bum tail. I would not mind keeping him at all, I'm just really unsure if he will ever recover and if he'll be able to pull his adult fins around with just his pectorals
Here are a couple of pictures from today. I honestly think he was attacked by his siblings and that caused this, because he is VERY skittish when he sees other Bettas. I've been meaning to ask if anyone had experience with this... but I've kinda been waiting for him to recover.
Here are a couple of pictures from today. I honestly think he was attacked by his siblings and that caused this, because he is VERY skittish when he sees other Bettas. I've been meaning to ask if anyone had experience with this... but I've kinda been waiting for him to recover.