I just got this Betta at PetCo on Saturday. He was sold as a veiltail, but is he? I just got him because he is a cool color, and he was real lively and flaring. What do you think? Is he a mix of types?
Opinions please.
Thanks everyone. I wasn't sure he was a straight veiltail. Someone told me he might be a cross.
I do like him. I was pretty shocked to find him at PetCo. Of course, everytime I go there I have to look at the bettas, but I'm running out of room! I've got him in a 2 1/2 g bowl now, gotta go buy a bigger tank for him, maybe a 10g. Then I'll need to divide it and he'll need someone next to him...
He has a weird color. He looked brownish gray in the cup. In the light he shows silver, lavender, green, blue. It's kinda cool!