What an observant, thoughtful friend you have
. Has he/she offered any compensation? I'm assuming you educated them a little before leaving.
New toys sound nice though, good luck. What fixtures are you getting?
Compensation? Oh gf, don't make me laugh! I'll hurt myself. Please, she thought she was doing me a favor. This is the same "friend" whose kids spilt aquarium food in my 15g the summer before, killing 12 neons. I've yet to see anything for that. In total, her particular tank TLC has cost me 12 neons, 3 betta splendens, 1 betta imbelis, about 15 plants, and one power filter. I have yet to see anything in return. Unfortunately, she's all I have to even take care of my fish. I gave her a detailed instructions, 2pages worth, links to websites, and portioned out food, but I think she's brain-damaged or something, or can't read instructions. Whatever, I won't be going anywhere else until I move in May, and I can handle that better myself, so she won't have to watch anymore. She's not a bad person, she just doesn't care like you or I do. There are people like that running around, where fish-keeping and aqua-scaping are not huge priorities. They haven't been exposed to the finer things.
I purchased two Coralife T-5 double linear strips 6700k at 28W and 24". My tanks are only 20" long, but I find that the 24" strip actually allows for better lighting, since the actual bulbs are close to 20". One is for the 10g, so I tossed the two rather bulky standard 15W strips, bringing it from 3WPG to 2.8, which with the better quality lights, I don't think will make much of a difference.
Likewise, I chucked the 15w strip in the 15g, so now I have two of those fixtures on that tank, giving me 3.73 WPG. Nice for some glosso, which I ordered.
I still have the two nutrafin units, but now with DIY mix. I had to chuck a lot of plants because of algae and poor quality, so the tanks look nasty, very bare. I purchased about 6 or so small pieces of driftwood and order some new plants from aquariumplants.com, which I'm receiving today.
I'll keep people posted and put a picture of the 15g after I cleaned it. I don't have a damage picture, it was just too, too painful.
EDIT: Here are the pictures for comparison.
Tank on December 5 right before I left.
Tank after a heavy duty cleaning and plant removal. The rotalia is from my 36g in Miami. I brought a few plants over since I had to thin that tank out a little and didn't want to waste plants. It was bad. There was soooooo much crap and mulm and algae. Totally gross. My anubias survived as did most of my crypts, so they will be put in the lower light 10g.
And here is the 10g, which has more plants from FL. In that tank, 1 red crypt wendtii and my microsword survived, and that's it. All the other plants are borrowed from FL and the anubias are from the 15g, so you can only imagine my disappointment.