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  • It's been a bit slow here but I expect to have some updates soon :). You're scaping on your comeback tank was my hopes and dreams of when I had my tank as a freshwater! I don't know how you do it. Seems just natural to you. As I said before, what you would do with a marine tank would be out of this world I'm sure.
    Thanks, FF ;) I really hope you're able to do a reef tank. I think you'd be amazing. Just one look at your planted tanks, and it's clear to see how great you are! Cheers.
    I can only imagine what kind of work you would do with a marine tank. Let's face it, your tank would be perfect and stunning!!!! :D
    :p Plants are great but the fishes still aren't. We are planning a big restart because the medications didn't work. Will be ok soon. You are tempting me toward the salty side :-D Your tank looks great!!
    I miss my Freshy friends. :) How is everything these days? Your perfectly planted tanks doing well?
    Just stopping by to say your 75G tank is looking amazing. I am trying my best to fill out my 125G, but patience is required, and that's tough on me :) If I can have it looking half as nice as yours, I will be pleased! Cheers
    Gave my Betta "Balooo" a snail friend for company. We named this happy snail "Slurp" Welcome to the family Slurp!!
    He is just gorgeous! I love him!
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