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  • Angels!! :highfive: haha, I'm so excited for you. The new fish look great. I haven't been lurking around as much as I'd like too lately. I admit it, I'm a FF Journal creep ;) I'll be checking back often waiting for me picts.
    With no traffic it's just under 1hr 30min, but unfortunately it's right off a major highway which can lead to standstills and sometimes push the commute to 2hrs plus. In a way it's a good thing hey aren't right next door :) well I really hope it works out with those Cories. I did a quick google on them and my jaw hit the floor! Good luck
    :-D I am TRYING to get those cories. Coryologist gets them in Wed. I don't have a price on them yet and thats going to be the deciding factor. There's only so much I am willing to pay for them including shipping. I have 2 large tanks to stock after all :) I need to find a local store? Yours is two hours away right?
    Are you getting those rare Cories? Or is it a surprise? I'm off to the bright lights tomorrow, I'll be doing a little shopping. Most likely equipment, plumbing parts, meds and foods:) yay
    I'm good thanks, you? I didn't think we were friends anymore :) Everything going well with you?
    yo! I didnt even realise that there was a friend option on this forum lol Oh and I am a spaz too, I just have "selective organisation" skills lol (I also cant access your PM u sent, apparently im not allowed to use the PM system...which Im going to look into lol)
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