Super blue emperor tetras

I don't know whether my eyesight is good enough to differentiate until I get new glasses, but maybe the camera feature that can zoom in on my "new" (brother's old) phone could help.

I know that in the tank with the dark lighting, the single elderly black neon I have left over from dad's tank often joins them and schools around with them, and blends in pretty well! Takes me a minute to pick him out when doing a head count. :lol: Glad he seems to enjoy their company though.
One of my N. lacortei males.


Black N. palmeri occasionally show up in broods of standard colored fish.
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So it sounds as if my “black emperor’s are line bred palmeri then ( because of the eye color thing ) the seller of the blacks mentioned the eye color thing, but I had never heard that about the palmeri…

I only have 2 palmeri, I had ordered 6 but the seller only had 2, and I ended up with 2 blacks, and my 1st 2 super blues… I didn’t pay attention of the palmeri eye colors, but both are blue… I will likely try to buy a few more, either from another seller, or from the original seller ( I see they have them back in stock )

The different color eyes interests me
Also those 1st 2 super blues look different than the group of 4 I bought later, and from a different seller… they are smaller than my Palmeri’s but look most like them in coloring but without the bigger anal fin style of the palmeri, and have black pupils
Just to be sure what we are talking about, when you say super blue emperors, do you mean Inpaicthys kerri or Nematobrycon palmeri?
I assume the black emperors are N. palmeri.

Sound like you have black Nematobrycon palmeri and ”Super Blue” Inpaichtys kerri. My super blue males looked black with a blue sheen most of the time. Wild-type kerri are much more attractive IMHO.

I didn't know there were different species/sub-species, I just thought when people said blue or purple, it was a colour morph of the same fish, but that was just an assumption, so this is interesting!

I'll have to try to get some clear photos of my purple emperors and find out what species they really are! Get some clear photos and see what you guys think they are. Especially since I need to get more of them soon to bump their numbers up, and I want to be sure I'm getting the right species!

I didn't get photos, but I looked up the two species, and mine are definitely I.kerri. So I can call ahead at the store and check they have the right ones with the Latin name now, thanks for this informative thread!

I'd like to get a few more, six seems like a bare minimum number, and SF says they're pretty easy to spawn, if you have around half a dozen of each sex. Maybe they and the pygmy cories could help a bit towards their upkeep :lol:

Gotta admit that I now want some of the N.palmeri too!
Mine seem to get along fine, there are a dozen Rummy Nose, 6 Pristella’s, and 8 assorted emperor’s, in a 55 gallon tank, with a handful of 2 kinds of apsitograma’s and 3 electric blue Rams, and 2 probably 3/4 grown Angel fish… lots of hidy holes for the dwarf cichlids a couple Oto’s and a pleco… sounds like a lot of fish, but everyone gets along and the tetra’s are smaller fish than I’m used to, so I may add a group of cardinals soon
Mine seem to get along fine, there are a dozen Rummy Nose, 6 Pristella’s, and 8 assorted emperor’s, in a 55 gallon tank, with a handful of 2 kinds of apsitograma’s and 3 electric blue Rams, and 2 probably 3/4 grown Angel fish… lots of hidy holes for the dwarf cichlids a couple Oto’s and a pleco… sounds like a lot of fish, but everyone gets along and the tetra’s are smaller fish than I’m used to, so I may add a group of cardinals soon
Can runny nose be maintained in hard water GH 180 ppm?
mine are doing well now, but have been pretty wimpy, overall... that tank is straight RO water with driftwood & almond leaves added... I ordered 8 from an average on line seller, & all 8 died the 1st 24 hours, after arriving live... I've even lost about 1/4 of 16 of them ordered from one of the best on line sellers...

maybe they are ok with mildly hard water, if they were conditioned to it, & just don't do well with a change, or inconsistent water... I've not lost one in months with my current set up, as it's very Stabil, but I never tried them, before I hooked up the RO...

there are also several line bred versions... with the same scientific name... mine are called "platinum rummy noses" and are supposed to have the same nose & tail coloration, but with more silver sparkles along the body... and maybe the Platinum's are more wimpy...

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