Got 4 more Palmeri Emperor Tetras…

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Well it didn’t take long for my larger Angel fish to hunt down the 10 neon tetra sized Cardinals I tried… will have to try them again, if I can get larger ones later… I had a pair of Palmeris I had tried to order 6 originally, but they only had 2, and I reluctantly agreed to taking some substitutes… I got 2 of the black ones, which I believe were line bred from the Palmeri, as both have blue eyes on the males and green eyes on the females, and another pair ( super blue ) to complete my original 6 order.. the black ones were smaller, and didn’t have much interest in the 2 male Palmeri I originally got… I wanted to get at least 1 female… not to breed, but so the males would display… the new ones are smaller, and I’ve not yet looked closer to sex them… but since the new ones are about the same size as the black ones, the black ones have joined the shoal… it’s a pretty loose shoal, but they pretty much stay within the same 1/4 of the tank..
It’s interesting watching the dynamics of the group, as they assemble the blacks, with the 2 original, and the 4 new ones.
BTW… the Angel that hunted the tiny Cardinals, doesn’t pay any attention to these new Palmeri, but they are 3-4 times bigger than the little Cardinals were…
If you have an angelfish that has eaten neon or cardinal tetras, you cannot put anymore of those fish in with it regardless of their size. Once a fish has eaten a neon or similar, they will always try to eat them.
At least you are keeping your angelfish well fed as a good fish keeper should always do 😀
Just looked them over up close… pretty hard to tell on the smaller fish, but definitely 2 have blue eyes… and 2 look like they might be females with green eyes

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