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Fish Fanatic
Jul 26, 2017
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I have no idea what my dog has eaten but OMG he’s on a silent but deadly roll. Keep looking to see who’s pooped behind the sofa!
LOL, take the dog for a walk and let him have a nature break. Hopefully it gets it out of his system.

I have a bag of rotten potatoes in the house that have to go back to the shop. They are double bagged in plastic bin liners and the house still stinks.

I'm not sure which is a worse smell (stinky dog bum or rotten spuds). The rotten spuds have a bacterial infection, ooze a custard coloured liquid and the smell is bloody awful. The smell also lingers in the air for days after the spuds are gone.

I had a 5 inch Hoplosternum catfish die in a tank and I didn't realise it was dead for a couple of days. When I took it out a milky white liquid ran out of its mouth onto the floor. That was pretty bad but I think these spuds are worse.
Ewwww, ewwww and ewwwwwwwwww. I think they’d be in the shed.

The dog bum, I think, is down to him using the cat litter tray as an all you can eat buffet. We moved it around today to see if we can stop the midnight munchies he’s so fond of. If it’s not that he’s found something dead in the garden to munch on.

Only time I’ve ever nearly passed out from a smell was when a client brought their dog in they’d been treating for a degloving injury for about 10days. The smell was worse than the sight of the green, oozing, bones and tendons.
I don't have a shed to put them in. I have a 1 bedroom unit and I sleep in the kitchen because the bedroom has carpet and I have breathing problems (and not from the spuds but they might be contributing to my sore throat). The last bag was double bagged and put in the boot of the car (hatch back) and it stank the car out for weeks after I returned them to the shop.

I wouldn't be able to work in a vet, nope that sort of thing grosses me out. dead fish I can handle but things hanging off animals, that's past my limit.
Is Perth quite a build up area of Australian?
Is Perth quite a build up area of Australian?
Yes, Perth is built up. It's the capital city of Western Australia and has over a million people living here. Not as big as some cities around the world but it's big enough. Lots of roads to get lost on. Don't drive into Perth CBD (central business district) because that is just horrendous with one way streets, no parking, no standing, no stopping, no left or right turn. It's a nightmare.
Knew it was the capital of WA but didn’t realise it was that big. Sort of think of Australia as being quite suburby rather than built up city. Obs watched too much Aussie soaps as a teen lol
It is all suburbs and most places are single story. Some of the yuppy suburbs have 2 story houses. We have problems with urban sprawl, whereby the towns/ cities spread out instead of going up. This is destroying what little bushland is left.
Perth CBD is full of high rise buildings and isn't my cup of tea.
Sadly I think urban sprawl is the way of the world. A lot of the little villages of my youth have joined to make huge urban conurbations.
Ooooo that looks good @seangee would also stop our kitten bothering our older cat when he’s in the litter tray too (hopefully). Thank you.

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