nightmare on Captain's street...

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
I've tried in the past to keep Common Oto's & I have a Zebra Oto, that's about a year and a half at my place...I'm wondering if anyone here has tried Giant Oto's they aren't in stock most places, but I'm curious if they are any easier to keep, or have strange personalities or???
now that I'm doing the "Repashi sticks" maybe I'd have better luck with the regular Oto's... this might be the scariest picture I could find of one... for someone who fears suckers... a mutated "Godzilla" Oto

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I'd like to try’s couple of these… anyone with experience???
I have a little vampire… but a big one would be cool
well it was not in this week's budget, but I bought 3 giant Oto's... Dan's just got them in, & I was really not sure where to put them, but I have a lot of bright lights on the new South American 45 gallon, & I'm getting a lot of algae, until all the plants bush out above the aquarium, so I think they will be a good fit... he says this batch came in "huge" & are shipping between 3 & 4 inches long... this is a mid size Cichlid tank... so hoping they get along

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So these mutant Oto’s will be an experiment… I’m wondering if they will tolerate other sucker mouth catfish… there is very little info on them out there… I’ll know pretty quickly, these Oto’s will be 3-4 inches long, and I’ll be also adding a couple 1-2 inch Super Red Bushy’s… will have to keep an eye on them, the tank is plenty big, a lot of food, and a lot of line of sight breaks… the Oto’s are arriving next Tuesday, and may be in the tank for a couple days before the Red’s show up… so I’ll be watching for signs of aggression
well 3 Giant's showed up today... they arrived between 3 & 4 inches long...
they are as big as most of my Plecos... I just have my Gold Nugget, & a Common pleco that are bigger... will see how they color up, once in the tank... this is the bag they arrived in... BTW, Dan's individually bags each fish, so there are 2 more bags like this with fish in them...
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