New to this! Got my tank about 4 months ago have a few questions!


Bichir dad
Apr 14, 2024
Reaction score
Vineyard utah
Hi , just posting a hello. With a few questions , I recently upgraded from a 10 gallon tank to a 36 gallon. So of course I got more fish , I’ve been super into bichirs so it’s become my new focus. I bought a new one and the people at the store have been feeding him blood worms (I’ve been wanting to do this ) so I bought him along with them to add it to their diet. My only problem is when I first got my tank I got some skirt tetras and sword tails and they eat anything and everything even the carn pellets. so I’m worried my bichir won’t be able to grow cause lack of food. I would feel bad to get rid of them , is there any other way I can try to help the bichir get the food ? Maybe block the fish in the corner while the bichir eat or what? The new one is quite a bit bigger then my old one too , which I wasn’t to worried about but with the other fish I’m very worried.


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Hello matey, welcome to TTF! You've got quite a mix there haven't you? Bichir don't tend to be kept in a community style tank as far as I know, they grow big and will eat anything they can fit into their mouths so you may want to rethink what you keep with them in the long term?

I'm not sure that you could corner the other fish while the bichir gets his fill without stressing everyone out...have you tried to feed him directly with some long tweezers?
Hello matey, welcome to TTF! You've got quite a mix there haven't you? Bichir don't tend to be kept in a community style tank as far as I know, they grow big and will eat anything they can fit into their mouths so you may want to rethink what you keep with them in the long term?

I'm not sure that you could corner the other fish while the bichir gets his fill without stressing everyone out...have you tried to feed him directly with some long tweezers?
Ya I originally wasn’t going to have any aggressive fish. Then I saw my first bichir and fell in love. So I’ve made a hard pivot I just feel bad for all my original fish lol. I’ve been shopping around for different types of bichir and I’m sure it’s what I want to do now.
Ya I originally wasn’t going to have any aggressive fish. Then I saw my first bichir and fell in love. So I’ve made a hard pivot I just feel bad for all my original fish lol. I’ve been shopping around for different types of bichir and I’m sure it’s what I want to do now.

You can probably trade your other fish back to your fish store for store credit so they won't become Bichir poo as long as it's not one of the big box stores.

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