New bichir with weird coloring


Bichir dad
Apr 14, 2024
Reaction score
Vineyard utah
Got this Senegal bichir 2 days ago , acting pretty normal today has been more active more towards the top ( I also have a Delhezi in the tank along with 3 sword tail) they are sitting in my breeder tank till their tank is cycled which will be done in a week or so. I’m a bit concerned because she seems to have these weird colorings black on some of her back fins and then a bit of red on the tail fin. I’ve had bichir with ammonia poisoning before and this doesn’t look the same nor is she acting the same , i haven’t seen this before in a Senegal , I just want to make sure she’s ok before I put her in my freshly cycled tank with my delhezi and my new ansorgii who gets here next week

Tested my water and everything is where it should be , I’m taking it in to the local fish mart to have it tested tomorrow to make sure. Just curious if anyone knows anything about this.


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Got a new sand substrate (cleaned it of course) I added all the quick start stuff added a plant and was gonna let it cycle for a week or 2 adding the quick start in the middle again to help that bacteria. Any suggestions (obviously I have more decors for them (live plants , caves)


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Black patches on fish is normally chemical burns (exposed to chlorine/ chloramine or something that poisoned/ burnt the fish). It normally clears up by itself over a month.

The new tank needs a picture on the back and some tall plants like Ambulia and Hygrophila polysperma along the back. Maybe some Hygrophila ruba on the sides.

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