Fish Addict
And other fish fan the eggs with their fins as well, or eat the eggs that are not fertilized (they will grow a fungus). I guess it would all depend on the parenting patterns of eels.
ok ive done this and i dont know if this is good news or bad but and 3 quarters of the eggs are going brownish,just like my angel fish eggs used to do before they hatched,im getting really excited now,and it seems the female keeps rubbing herself against the eggs its really cool,,ill keep you guys postedPuffer_freak said:*jumps up and down waving*
As I said before, try to read up on peacock spiney eels and see what they do. If possible, you could move some of the eggs (about half) to the parents, and leave half unparented. That way you ay have at least half of them surviving.
Good luck! (again)
did you ever have any youngi have 2 zig zag spiny eels thats ive had for an absolute age,there in a community tank and are very healthy and the tank is fully cycled,now heres the problem this last week ive noticed one of the eels as gone very plump,then i noticed the pair acting strangly they started swimming in the current and wrapping themselves around each other kinda like they was wrestleing,but it was obvious that they weren,t fighting as one was queezeing the other,then 10 minutes later i water 1 of the eels go to the corner of the tank and lay eggs on the tank glass then on the filter then on the other side of the glass i wouldn,t of noticed but she was in the corner standing completly vertical so i went to see what was wrong with her and i watched her with my own eyes lay eggs,,then she goes from corner to corner keepin her eye on the eggs and so on,,so you say what is the problem,,well i went to google to see how i hatched the eggs and rear the young only to find it say that zig zag eels have never been bred in the aquarium is this right,is it possible that im the only one to do it without even trying heres a photo of one of them when they was young there quite a bit bigger now,
so what do you think as this been done before