Can you tell I'm excited?
I've got three at the moment. The other three yoyos the guy ordered for me "disappeared" last night, and he thinks one of his idiot staff members sold them, so he's bringing me in 3 more for next week. I nursed these three all the way home (an hour and twenty minutes!). They're healthy, if a little skinny, but I'm sure they'll fatten right up soon enough.
Thank goodness it rained today, so the humidity was killed and it wasn't too hot. Getting the three into the tank was a task and a half, and the second they went in, they disappeaed. As I speak now, one is playing in the cuent of the filter doing "dolphin spirals". Two are about 2" long, one is about 2 and a 1/4 inches long. Costed me a whopping total of $4.00 a piece + one meatpie per fish. I'm definitely loving this guy right now. Little tiny operation. Only 12 tanks, of those, only 6 tanks are tropical fish. I'm happy though. He's offered to order me anything I need.
Sneaky little things though... they kept wiggling into the SMALLEST and TIGHTEST creases in the bag to the point where I held the bag the entire way home incase one got stuck, we hit a bump, and suddenly it was out of water and couldn't get back out.
And now for the pix:
Now for the final question;
What should I feed the little things? I feed the tank the following on a regular basis, do I need to add anything for the Loaches?
-Dried Bloodworm
-Shrimp pellets
-Algae Tablets
<When there were corys/otos in the tank>-Blanched Zuchinni---- (Will the yoyo Loaches appreciate this too?)