Zebra Pleco??

A very good price for L047 Zebra Plecs is about £40, this is the lowest I have seem them go for, the highest I have ever seen was £85

Seen a few in Shirley Aquatics this Tuesday for £135 a piece including the 25% sale price.. Getting a bit crazy now...
The one at my LFS is an L 129 Columbian Zebra Pleco. :/

It's actually only about 3 or 3 1/2" (they look bigger through his tanks :blink: )
we've got 5 of them now :D :D

great little fish - loads of characture (at night!)

we spend hours on end watching them by moonlight - ours have cost us 25ukp each.
The managers at one of the LFs I goes to has put together a planted display tank with:

5 true zebra plecs
8 corydoras similis
8 corydoras gossei

Also has Farlowella and Albino cories in there, not to mention all the decorative fish-- Long Fin Gold Balloon Rams, High bred guppies, honey gourami, and others. Yeah, he's insane . . .
If I read on Planet Catfish right, the true Zebra (L 046) is very easy to breed. :/

So, why not get a mated pair and make money? These people must be making bank. :rolleyes:
They're also a schooling plec which drives the cost up even more, they're on my christmas list, but I don't think santa wants to bring them to me :-( ;)
Good luck, L46 Imperial Zebra plecos are extremely hard to find, and rumored to be on the list for CITES protection as of next year. They are also planning to build a dam in the river that they call home. They have an average spawn of 12-15 fry, once a month. It takes a year or two to get them to a size and condition to spawn, and then another 6-8 months to get them to a sellable size. Yes, they'll eventually return the investment, as long as a heater doesn't malfunction, the power doesn't go out for a day or two, or some other unforeseen tragedy doesn't happen in the 3 years it could potentially take you to begin recouping your investment. It sounds like a great "get rich quick" scheme, right until you stop and add it all up :blink:
You might want to read some of the experiences people have had with River Wonders, before you rush out and place your order.
Oh, I don't intend on ordering from them. ;). Spoke with my LFS and he can get me a better price, $75 each IF I offer to sell him some of the offspring IF I get them breeding. ;)

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