Zebra Pleco

I bought my one and only zebra plec approx 5 years ago for £30. That was before the ban and being classed on the redlist. It's supply and demand. Since they were banned from export, the price shot up and will remain there until the ban is lifted. There's just no way we will see them in the lfs market again for that price anywhere in the near future. And why should we ?

As smithrc says, the breeding is slow and nothing guaranteed. If only they bred like guppies, but they really don't and I think anyone buying a new breeding colony will *not* see any revenue for at least a year. Now that in my opinion is a long "investment" with little to no return - even if sold at the price they currently command on the high street. It takes a lot of effort, time and dedication. And factor in the actual running cost based on those factors and you end up with little more than zero profit.

As the situation currently stands, I think it's a crying shame that anyone would even consider keeping a single fish in a non-breeding programme.
are these plecs extinct in the wild?
i mean,if the ban was lifted would u even be able to catch them and send em back.

also is the ban only in the UK?
I know it seems like a waste of money and resources but, If I had the money I would breed Zebra Plecos and release all the fry (after big enough) into their natural, wild, habitat.
Why? They would probably have a much better chance of survival and reproducing succesfully in a well maintained home aquarium. There are no natural predators, no dry season, and the young probably have a much better survival rate.
but in the wild they also have more breeding choices in mates and probly a more healty diet
yeah, and a big fat hydroelectric dam being built on their river. :/

beyond that, you really have to be unbearably cautious when raising fish to be re-released into the wild. its just way too easy to cross-contiminate diseases, parasites, and other microscopic creepy-crawlies. everything going into and out of their tank would have to be 100% clean and never brought into contact with any species of any sort from a different biotope.
The ban is on exportation of zebras to anywhere. They're not extinct in the wild but their numbers are running very low. :(

ya, chances are they would die. and not only that there is a HUGE ecological effect by doing that, what if you accidentally introduced somthing that did not belong, like a disease from another fish, or anything? nto a good idea to EVER release any fish in the home aquaium to the wild..ever.
Well, I bit the bullet and just purchased a proven breeding colony of zebras- 13 fish. I was also lucky enough to get an additional 5 fry that had managed to survice being released from the cave- 4 more had died. The seller had them for 5 years and was forced to give them up. It took him 4+ years to get them spawing and I have no guarantee I can keep them spawning. But I plan to sell any fry I am lucky enough to get and raise to over an inch.

A great site for info on this is http://www.zebrapleco.com

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