Zebra Plec


New Member
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
Leeds, West Yorkshire - UK
I have come across someone selling a Zebra plec, but before I buy him, I just want to make sure he'll be OK with my existing tank-mates;

Cronwtail Betta
10 Cardinals
Albino Cory
Peppered Cory
Upside-down catfish
Talking catfish
Red-tailed Black Shark
2 Sailfin Mollies
9 baby Sailfin Mollies :wub:

Also - what sort of price do you think I should be paying for such a fish if he's compatible? He's currently 3-4 inches and about 18 months old.... will he get much bigger?

Thanks everyone! :whistle:
not really suitable I'm affraid - they are a very shy plec that wont compeate for food and looking at the other fish - he'll have a hard time for territory too (what sized tank is it?)

Zebras do a lot better in small groups too. single zeb plecs will be even more rarely seen.
If it is cheap enough it would be worth getting a 10Gallon tank just for the zebra plec, some nice powerful filtration and some nice big rocks. This would re-create its habbitat nicely and you would have a MUCH happier fish.

If you put a zebra plec in with that lot i fear you would have a dead fish soon enough!

Its well worth considering that 10 gal tank, especially now that they have been removed from the import list for being endangered!

Ps how much? if you dont want it i will!
Is it by any chance the fish being offered on e-bay....have been watching this one (no intention of buying - no room, no money)...current price is £149 - ouch -_-
Metermaid said:
Is it by any chance the fish being offered on e-bay....have been watching this one (no intention of buying - no room, no money)...current price is £149 - ouch -_-
for a lone zebra :(

poor little fella... I hope the buyer has some more.
....I've seen this fish being described as "soon to be extinct"... I really hope that isn't true....would hate our hobby to be responsible for that - are breeders here having any degree of success I wonder ?
They can be bred, but due to their shyness and need to be in small groups, along with their rarity and desiraility (giving a high price tag) it makes it difficult to obtain the desired number of fish!
It's not the one on ebay, no....

£150 for a wee fishy!? Only in my dreams! :lol:

I've been offered the little fella for £40 and I've seen some 10 gallon tanks in my LFS <----- (picking up the abbreviations already, eh? ;) ) which come complete with filter/light/heater for just £50....

So that would be about £90 in total then.... still not cheap, but a lot better than £150 for the fish alone! :eek:

It's payday tomorrow too.... I can almost feel the moths in my wallet for the next month already... :rolleyes: ;)
zebras like it warm, similar to discus.

I currently am aware of at least 3 folks who are actively spawning zebras. One has over 80 which he bought specifically to spawn. Another has a colony of 8-10 and she has well over 50 zebra fry as of our last conversation.

In the US they are now selling for 100-150$ depending on size.
Wow £40 sounds like an excellent deal - would you be able to get him a friend or two later?

It's good to hear that they are being spawned successfully - maybe we will all be able to afford them in the future - and hopefully they will be safe :thumbs:

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