Zebra Plec

They won't be at a higher price when you go back.

People don't get Zebra's bu accident. They purposely go out and empty their wallet into someone elses hand and therefore when young come along. they know they are worth money and won't sell them cheap. Thats probably why most of the fish shops never have them.

1 because they can't buy them cheap to sell at a competitive price.
2 because noone will let the fish shops flood the market and bring the price down
3 because they cost a lot and they are very vulnerable so they can't take the risk on any dying.

I think you may have seen A zebra Plec but not L46. noone in the world would sell them at $5. some might sell them $150 if they are in a good mood and were talking friend to friend deals here.

Good luck to you. if they are L46 buy them all, breed them and be careful to make sure when you sell the fry that they go to good homes and not just some showpiece man. (And I'll be really jealous)
I think it's more likely there used to be something else in the tank priced up at $5 and they just didnt remove the sticker. There's no chance of any of the striking plecs vaguely similar to zebras even being that cheap. I'd imagine even clown plecs (the cheapest vaguely stripey plec) and bristlenoses cost more? *lol*
now, hold on a minute.

I don't mean to egg him on, but we've seen a case of this happening with a syno. Granulosus here on the forum, that could have indeed been sold as low as $10, but when the guy didn't buy it, a week later it was indeed Id'ed and bumped up to over 100.

I also would like to say I've seen a weird $40 pleco called "Zebra mosaic pleco" that sells at $40.

either way, ANY fancy plec at $5 is a steal in my book.
It said - "Zebras - $4.99"
There weren't any zebra dainos in the tank either :shifty: Just some panda corries, about 6 zebra plecs and some kind of tetra, I forget what kind exactly.
Any way, all of this commotion has made me REALLY want a zebra plec. Too bad I'll need a bigger tank. BTW, whoever said $150 for close friends, here they sell it for $150, plus $32 shipping and a 14 day guarantee. :rolleyes:
I hold my hands up. At todays currency exchange that would make it about £80 which is about friends rate. A bargain even though it says they're only 1" to 2". I'd risk the small size for that money.

Most people tend to want adults because they want to breed, and at that age and size they would defo not be $150, still a bargain to be had at that price (or at $5 I re-iterate buy them all, especially now you've seen what they are worth)
now, hold on a minute.

I don't mean to egg him on, but we've seen a case of this happening with a syno. Granulosus here on the forum, that could have indeed been sold as low as $10, but when the guy didn't buy it, a week later it was indeed Id'ed and bumped up to over 100.

I also would like to say I've seen a weird $40 pleco called "Zebra mosaic pleco" that sells at $40.

either way, ANY fancy plec at $5 is a steal in my book.

yep it was me... And the fish were priced up just fine... it was just that the saturday boy didnt know what fish he was looking at.

Shops will put the name Zebra on any pleco to make it sound related to the imfamous Zebra plec. quite underhand really.

Any way, all of this commotion has made me REALLY want a zebra plec. Too bad I'll need a bigger tank. BTW, whoever said $150 for close friends, here they sell it for $150, plus $32 shipping and a 14 day guarantee. :rolleyes:

but not surprisingly they have none available... you will then enquire - they will then try t sell you something they do have...

Again another trick used by shops to lure customer in... advertise an super all singing 50" TV at £199 - when customers come in - amaizingly they have all sold... but they have some others at different prices they can sell you...
I'd say. If you take a second look (surely worth a bus ride if your mom can't take you) and they are L046. (take a good few printouts of smiths from his website in his signature- Ask permission from him first though).

Look at them carefully. If they are L46. Ask the staff how much without letting on how excited you are (pick the most novice looking staff member, they might just read the $5 label if it refers to another fish without knowing).

If he/she says $5 and they are L46 BUY AS MANY AS YOU CAN CARRY.

If they are a type of zebra plec other than L46 and still $5 BUY AS MANY AS YOU CAN CARRY.

I assume they are small, so put them in one of your tanks. don't put any more fish in the tank, and sell them off locally (If they are L46, advertise and let people either collect or work a deal out with your mum to deliver for extra)

I won't say that they are not L46 because we haven't seen pics, but if they are and the label is correct. Get to that fish shop every week and you'll never have to work. If the label refers to a Zebra Danio or something (The label if like some stores in UK, may have been there for ages and never been changed when a different fish went in the tank) and the 'novice' says $5 then this is your one and only chance to get 30 fish that most of us would die for.

Anyway Good Luck and hope for the best outcome. Dreams can come true sometimes.

In answer to your first post this is the answer:

Yes they are a good community fish but forget that. buy all 30 and have a species tank with (at full adult size) $7500 worth of livestock, but get a good guard dog, and a good alarm because people who see them will talk.

All the best, fingers crossed for you.
Lol. The soonest I can go back is next weekend. By then they'll be gone or the pric will be up. They look exactly like the ones in smith's signature though, the only difference is thier white stripes are a little bit lighter, but I think it's because I see them in better light. My mom won't let me buy them... but my dad might, and I'm going with my dad, hopefully next weekend. However, at my dads I have some VERY aggresive catfish and a turtle... I'll think of something if they're still there, though. Plus I have a new camera I can bring.
Lol. The soonest I can go back is next weekend. By then they'll be gone or the pric will be up. They look exactly like the ones in smith's signature though, the only difference is thier white stripes are a little bit lighter, but I think it's because I see them in better light. My mom won't let me buy them... but my dad might, and I'm going with my dad, hopefully next weekend. However, at my dads I have some VERY aggresive catfish and a turtle... I'll think of something if they're still there, though. Plus I have a new camera I can bring.

You don't have to get them ALL, I would personally get them all in a heart beat. Ring the shop and reserve 4 or 5 of them.
I think if the stripes are lighter they're definately not L46 but as you say maybe its the light but I doubt it. The Pleco experts on here would vouch for me here. There are a few variants on the L46 which are Jet Black/pure white but they don't have perfect lengthwise stripes. Sometimes diangonal, sometimes broken, but they are still Jet Black/Pure White.

If you look here through all the common names you might be able to recognise one with white/cream-Dark Brown nearly black

L Numbers

LDA Numbers

Might take a while to look through but would save you a journey, or tell you you must buy them all, if not for love, for an investment to increase your fish hobby

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