Zebra & Leopard Danios Behaving Strangely?


Fish Crazy
Feb 28, 2006
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I noticed some of the danios acting a bit strange lately. Firstly, the obvious thing is their poo! :crazy: When they were doing their thing yesterday, I noticed it looked much thicker than normal, probably 5 times thicker than normal.

Is this a sign that they have worms? The poo itself doesn't move, so I'm assuming its not a worm. Someone once told me zebra danios can catch worms quite easily. Is there a way I can check to see if they have worms?

Secondly, the danios seem to swim diagonally at times? Normally they would swim stragith (horizontally) or up and down the tank (vertically), but they have constantly been swimming in a diagonal motion the past 2 days, is this a sign of any serious disease?
I honestly don't have an answer for you as I don't know of any symptoms of worms, but I can comfort you in saying that I have fish that will have irregular poo everyonce in awhile which CAN be a result of something like nutrition or how much food they've had. So it may be something bad still, but at least it isn't written in stone that it is something bad based on the poo anyways!
thick 'hanging' poo can be a sign of overfeeding/ constipation or something different in the diet. what i mean is apart from an illness what they put out depends on what they put in. what do you feed your fish & how often?? try feeding them peas or daphinia - very good for 'speeding' things up in a fishies bowel!!! im sure that constipation or if theyve eaten too much can put pressure on their swimbladder so this may account for the odd swimming OR they may have a swimbladder infection. sorry i cant be more specific or more help. im sure someone else will come along soon to give you more advice.let us know how your danios get on.
good luck
I honestly don't have an answer for you as I don't know of any symptoms of worms, but I can comfort you in saying that I have fish that will have irregular poo everyonce in awhile which CAN be a result of something like nutrition or how much food they've had. So it may be something bad still, but at least it isn't written in stone that it is something bad based on the poo anyways!

Thanks Somethings Fishy Here, the irregular poo has gone and it was only that day I noticed it, it may have been constipation or me overfeeding them.

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