Zebra Danios

guppies: a possibility
betta: a possibility
it depends on the personalities of ur fishes.
Is this 10 gallon cycled? If it isn't, you need to wait 6 weeks with the danios in there and doing weekly water changes before adding any more fish.

I would not put a betta in with the danios in such a small tank as the danios may nip it (because they are in too small a space) and they occupy the same areas in teh tank (upper).
Guppies may be ok but aren't hardy fish so don't use them to cycle!
Also, don't mix bettas and guppies - they don't do well together.

Someone sugegsted swordtails - the minnimum tank size for them is 15 gallons.
I'm not entirely sure what you posted the link for but, seeing as you seemed prepaired to do so in that thread, I would reccomend you take back the danios and get a trio of platies instead (1 male, 2 females - you can learn how to sex them if you don't know already by looking at the pinned topic in the livebearer section).

You can use the platies to cycle the tank and then, in 6 weeks, choose some 3-5 fish of about 1-2" each to add to the tank.

At that time, you'll be open to all sorts of options - a small school of some kind of very small tetra or rasbora, guppies if you like, the betta you wanted (but not if you get guppies) and many more.

Just watch you don't over-stock and research each fish first. Maybe post another thread when the time comes and give us an idea of what fish you like so we can help you choose.
Tank size aside for a minute. I keep white cloud mountain minnows as tankmates for Zebra Danios and can recommend them.

They have similar requirements (temperature, food, both come from fast flowing streams). They don't seem to get stressed by ZDs chasing them and I've even seen the chasing the other way around.

They are quite hardy, but not as hardy as the ZDs. They will normally school together in a corner when I'm doing tank maintenance where as the ZDs are swimming under and around me to see what I'm doing.

Their red and white coloured fins add nice colour to the tank and if you can mix some golden variety in with them then it adds a nice contrast. They also look fabulous when flairing their fins up at each other (a mating thing).

If you are sticking to a ten gallon then the white clouds would make a good replacement for the ZDs. Maybe 6 white clouds. Perhaps a school of the small pygmy corries would fit on the bottom too (never kept them myself so others might agree/disagree with that).

I wouldn't use white clouds for cycling.
I would get white clouds and pygmy corys but the petsmart near me doesnt sell them.

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